Delete mythic +


slips gun back in desk


This one keeps not getting picked for any mythic + groups, just saying.

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The timer makes it fun.

I have a better idea.

Delete forum posters who make posts about topics they are complete uneducated about.

These forums would be much better for it.


You can ignore the timer. Youā€™ll still get your completion bonus (+1 to vault and 2 items) and go about your merry way.

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Even better - delete the forums altogether. They serve no worthwhile purpose anyway.


No way they give us something to do while pooping


According to wowhead the npc was named after ionā€™s character who is the leader of elistist jerks

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M+ is easy and not toxic at all when you run with someone elseā€™s guild.

Oh man itā€™d basically be the thanos snap overnight if that happened


This sentiment why M+ will probably get deleted. Blizzard probably donā€™t wanna be known as a hate group.

Probably make Thanos look like an amateur.

Blizzards smart enough to not delete the thing keeping a not insignificant number of players subbed.

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I donā€™t think M+ should be eradicated.

I do believe that M+ should be moved to its own dedicated servers, so that class tweaking and dungeon designs donā€™t revolve around it for players who never touch the damn thing.

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This one needs to install Grammarly, just saying.

Iā€™m not so sure itā€™s the game mode that keeps a significant number of players subbed.

For example, if I could get easy 278 gear from PvP pet battling, Iā€™d go do that even though I donā€™t like PvP pet battling at all. The only downside would be that I couldnā€™t pay someone to do it for me.

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Did you poll your facebook group for that information?

Thatā€™s cool, there are certainly players that are just in it for the gear. There are also many (of course canā€™t say how many, but neither can you) that feel the gear is somewhat, if not completely, ancillary. They could nerf the vault to whatever EoD for that level drops and it would still be the content I play 100% of the time because it is the content I enjoy. If they remove it though, even if they added a ā€œlog on and get free gearā€ options, I would quit.


Not necessarily true. The number of people subbed to play M+ are not important. Even an MMO with only 1000 subscribers can be more profitable than WoW if those 1000 whale hard enough. Thereā€™s always a solution. So many M+ die hards are horrible, horrible people. Look how many pro M+ players here are posting absolute vile hatred. If all these people went away and nothing replaced them, they could literally just add a shop item to do what they used to do with selling carries and move all that cashflow from venmo to Bobbyā€™s bank account. You donā€™t know what Blizzard gonna do. If people like M+, they should treat people who donā€™t like it as if they were humans. Is safer in these times.


And thatā€™s fair.

But I do think back to S1 when M+ participation tanked really, really hard. To the point where Blizz had to go back and add more EoD loot (remember how they nerfed the amount you would get during the first half of S1?) just to get people playing M+ again.

Thereā€™s definitely people in it for the IO or for the enjoyment, Iā€™ll give you that.