Delete mythic +

Same. And I would probably quit, along with all the members of my m+ group, if m+ was ever removed.

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I can’t say if participation tanked, I didn’t really play in BfA so I didn’t really do any M+. Last I had looked at S1 back then though it was 7+ million unique characters doing M+ and right now there are 3.6m for S3 so I can’t really agree that adding more gear saved it.

edit: Just checked again and S1 actually finished (not counting post season at 8.1m.

edit: S2 was 4m.

Adding more gear made less people do it. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s a lot of ifs for Blizzard to risk.

Hold your breath if you want, but I would strongly recommend against it.

This is from someone who went out of his way to literally copy the name and class of a WOW dev.

Three ways to keep M+ and solve the OP concern:

  • Remove timer and M+ is instantly fun.
  • Remove deranking keys for failure and nobody complains about being “held hostage” – they just take their key and leave.
  • Remove punishing players for wanting to play the game and help them feel successful if they’re a solo player or a group player – the LFD gap exists unnecessarily.

You’re welcome.

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Plays one M+ and has a bad time
believes it should be removed from the game entirely.

Makes sense.

Nope. M+ becomes immediately pointless for anyone looking to use it to gear up as the rewards would have to be majorly nerfed.

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id have to disagree.M+ is the perfect game mode for players that want to be competitive but cant commit to a raiding schedule.

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I don’t follow why reward would be nerfed. The timer is virtually meaningless until you get to 20+, where loot doesn’t scale anymore anyways.

If it is virtually meaningless then there is no need to remove it.

It is meaningless other than the pressure to perform. It is what creates the toxic environment cited in OP. Please stay on topic.

I think we should delete raiding too. Too many new players will be intimidated by parse culture which promotes toxicity. I know you’re a troll, but some people actually think it should be removed. Removing content in general is just a horrible decision.

The OP did 1 M+ 6 years ago. I have done 100s of M+ this season alone. The OPs claims are bunch of bullcrap.


Thanks. But they should really just bring back the downvote button and let ratios do the talking.

Never going to happen as long as Blizzard is focused on eSports so much.


I bet there’s a direct correlation between people who make posts full of stupid ideas, and people who were mad about down votes.


Ha, maybe. I meant it in the scenario someone has a terrible take, you could just hit the “this person is clueless” button and move on. Instead, there’s a bunch of ideal warriors trying to explain, in non-sequitur terms, why something wouldn’t work.

If they aren’t going to remove likes, then they should bring back dislikes.

I don’t really care if they bring it back, but they said it was because people would just hit dislike and not actually discuss thngs, but that happens with likes too.

And as a pre-emptive since the last time I said the above I got accused of just being jealous of people getting likes
 I have 13,600 likes so it’s not that. Trust me.

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There may be a case to be made about the ability to “dislike” a direct response, or to cast either favor on a post you quote or directly respond to/from (which the later you can circumvent by explicitly providing a yes/no tone within your response).

The like/dislike system explicitly for non-participants seems to make a lot of sense though.

I wouldn’t mind it. It still wouldn’t really be meaningful in the grand scheme of things, but it may at least convince people to stop posting dumb stuff if they could see at a glance how many people disagreed with them.

edit: It probably wouldn’t, but a girl can dream.