Delete mythic +

Let’s first agree that the goal of any RPG is progressing your character whether that’s through story, achievements/collectibles, or gear. If players want to get better gear then they must do M+ or Raids(I’m ignoring PvP because that clearly isn’t for everyone). That means that any player who wants to progress their character via gear MUST do M+ and/or raids, world quests and callings don’t drop 272 Gear, there is no path to upgrade WQ gear to that level, and there is no Vault slot for them to get 278 gear. It’s not optional if you want to get better gear, period. Even mount collectors get forced into doing it to get KSM or AOTC for the mounts.

Using your definition of things being optional though, playing and subscribing to the game is optional. That of course brings us back to the post you quoted about M+ being toxic and causing people to quit. Do you see what I’m getting at? With M+ gear being “optional” and players no longer able to progress because it isn’t optional to do that, they choose the quit/unsub option. I don’t think M+ needs removed from the game, I just think there needs to be a progression path for players who don’t want the toxicity of M+ or commitment of raiding. I also think that a lot of the toxicity of M+ could be diminished by removing the timer.

If only. I would love to have heroic dugeons like ealry cata difficulty back and just have valor points or some type of currency drop. Timed dungeons can have a place for getting transmogs and mounts but mythic + is just annoying.

ughh dont remind me I need to go back to SoD for the Aegis for season 4

If m+ fosters a toxic atmosphere then was the game less toxic from classic to wod?

Since there is no m+ in classic servers are those servers less toxic?

He has no idea, he didn’t start playing until the end of WoD.

So we have the remove LFR crowd; the remove PvP crowd; and now, we have the remove M+ crowd.

There’s a solution to all of this. Don’t play the content you don’t want and leave it alone for those who do. It’s some weird trait to want to eradicate something you don’t like instead of just not interacting with it. It’s not mandatory.


Oh believe me, I wish we had anything close to that. But that’s what WoW had at its absolute peak. :confused:

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I wish we knew how many players there were, not in a “haha this game sucks” way, just out of curiosity because what mmo population says can not possibly be correct.

i would not mind mythic+ if the rampant and vile mentality it has fostered didn’t seep into almost every facet of the game. not all M+ players are toxic, but the mentality is.

what could you possibly need the highest ilvl gear for if you don’t participate in endgame content? Assuming that you don’t participate in endgame content outside of WQ and dailies and farming old content, what possible need do you have for better gear?

I’ll tell you the answer, you don’t like not having what other people do have. You feel the need to have what they have solely out of the fact that you don’t have it.

I don’t know whether to admire your tenacity, or to fear your completely inability to incorporate new information into your thinking.

Well truly, I am still convinced you are a troll… but on the off chance…

Same reason the forums hated Mage Tower so much. Players were completing it without special legacy buffs and gear and the forums were just exploding about how Blizzard hates casual.

The average player does not use their damage cooldowns when they become available, they don’t use their rotation properly, and they probably click more than half of their abilities.

Stop copying and pasting the same terrible argument.

The literal Game Director of WoW said that M+ is the most popular game mode (not going to call it ‘content’ or you might have an aneurysm).

Other players have linked you to the millions of M+ runs that have taken place in Shadowlands. Very clearly and objectively- the playerbase likes M+ and does a lot of it. More of it compared to any other endgame content.

It’s fine that you don’t though, it’s not necessary for raid whatsoever. Only about half of the CE raiders in my guild last tier were even doing weekly 15s. If this mid tier mythic guild can get cutting edge Sylvanas without M+ then I’m sure your LFR or normal guild will be fine as well.


Devil’s Advocate: Take away the 278 carrot and see how popular it is then.

I’m good with them doing that as a test case to see. I’d probably continue rewards until at least 20 though.

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Delete Mythic period! LFR4 EVER! :facepunch:


Counter point there is no gear upgrade over 15 and yet people go past that level

most people go beyond 15 simply because of dungeon portals and conduit upgrades. then there is a minority that goes beyond simply because it’s more enjoyable to play with knowledgeable players than “derps” who have no clue what they are doing and then there is a really small minority that plays to push the limits of the game.

Very bad example, you can extrapolate that by just removing every single reward from the game, see how many people would play.

Reward and Journey are two sides of the same coin, they both need to be balanced in order for the experience to be worth.