Delete mythic +

Yeah. This.

Unfortunately, they don’t read the thread… just the first post and it isn’t obvious enough til a while in that it is clearly a troll.

It was. Blizzard forum moderators gonna moderator.

Or not. Depends on the day, weather, maybe phase of the moon.

It’s all over the map.

I will defend my post by saying I said “moderators gonna moderator” and not “moderators gonna moderate”. Minor distinction, but very important. :stuck_out_tongue:


just because you disagree does not make someone a troll. the era of twitter has truly made the word lose its meaning. if you dont agree with me say you don’t and be on your way. i believe in my OP

The fact your posting on a lvl 50 just doesn’t help your case of not being a troll unfortunately…

so anyone who posts on level 50 characters is labeled a troll no matter what? you guys really do love picking strawmen.

That’s not a strawman, that’s an ad hominem. :heart:

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It just doesn’t help your case when your arguing about end game activities, also suspicious as to why you’ve chosen to not make the post on your max lvl toon…

I mean, I will defend the dude on this point. He has been very honest about his experience with M+. The problem is, he’s only done a single +2 and it was 5 or 6 years ago in Legion, so it doesn’t reeeeeeeeally help his case.

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Had it ever occured to you I don’t want the forums attacking me in game on my main for my stance? Why does anyone make threads on level 50 characters then? This is a toxic place where people hunt with chips on their shoulders.

I gave an idea. people attacked me for it, I hold my ground on my stance.

Doesn’t help his case at all unfortunately

I’m positive you’ve got me on ignore right now, but anyway. Your idea basically boiled down to: “thousands, if not tens or hundreds of thousands of people do this content. We should remove it from the game.”

Were you expecting a parade? I mean, honestly.

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I’ve fed the troll enough now, time to let this thread phase out :wave:

Obstinance isn’t always a positive trait.

I will leave it at that…

I’ve only experienced “toxicity” when people, usually the tank, make drastic mistakes that ruin the group… and even then it wasnt toxicity, just people upset that their time was wasted.

2 solutions: either learn how to play before joining a group consisting of other real people, or dont get mad because you’re an adult and adults dont let comments online bother them.

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i have already stated, i pull my weight in groups. i know my classes. it’s the m+ mentality that seeps into the casual content i play. and a lot of times its a DH player that tries pulling an MDI strat, causing the groups to wipe and then they leave. often times throwing a hissy fit as they cause the group to wipe

Problems sometimes solve themselves, guess this is one of those times.

Like what, Normal or Heroic dungeons? People have always been this way, keys or not. Just the way it goes.

You are correct to an extent. The real end game in MMO’s is completionism. Where you complete content and move onto the next thing. That is the most rewarding aspect of any MMO. Which is why I stated we want to do the dungeons and be FINISHED with them for the expansion and move onto the next thing.

The problem with modern WoW is that you can’t do this. You are stuck doing daily/weekly chores trying to gear up and never get to play the game.

The game starts when you have BiS and can finally play. Blizz really needs to work on the games progression and adding more content to be completed instead of repetitive chores. Blizz doesn’t understand that if the game is good we will just play it and create our own fun. We don’t need a chore list. So they really need to step away from this Esport instance model and get back to the basics in DF.

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