Delete mythic +

the real end game of wow is transmog farming old content and mount collecting

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Ah, ive been baited. I see now. You were a good one, you got me there.

the entire game, it affects raiding, it affects pvp, it affects casuals content

Here it is! The ultimate troll! LFR is toxic because of M+. Absolute genius.

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Don’t feel bad… he had me for a good 12 hours.

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My guys just said mount farming is the true end game, this is a troll thread and a half

well i was joking, thats the big joke of wow that goes around that the real end game is collecting

You still haven’t listed anything outside of LFR, dungeons or PVP where toxicity is rampant…

that is the entire game. world content is accessed by everyone and no one talks to each other

This fella has lost all credibility in the last 10mins

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honestly idk why the thread blew up like it did. it was an idea in the middle of the night. i think deleting mythic+ is a great idea and it would help new players join group content.

right now they are being driven away

He didn’t have much to begin with so that is frightening.

And people not talking to each other is all because of Mythic + ?

i think you’re trying to be intentionally obtuse.

when i say it has spread to the whole game i mean exactly what you posted.

90%+ of my main runs are going well and for the few botched ones I knew most of the time that it wouldn’t be a smooth run before it started.

I’m just trying to find justification to your point, because you can’t seem to provide any…

this is not what i mean. most mythic plus players are NOT toxic. but the mentality mythic plus seeps into casual content. which is why i think in my OP like i do. new players are driven away

In other words. People that don’t do M+ were mean to me in a non M+ once and therefore we should remove M+ because then the people that don’t do M+ will not leave the game, and the people that I admit are generally not toxic are driven out of the game foooooooooor. Reasons?

Do I have it about right?

when they meet the toxicity, they are driven away from grouping. not the game per say

This thread just needs to be flagged for trolling…