Delete mythic +

If m+ was removed the game would lose a very large amount of players.
Also you are seriously saying JUST m+ made a toxic environment really…
I guess raiding and pvp have never done anything like that right…

One and done.

M+ is probably one of the easiest game modes around, but I agree it needs to go since it’s so toxic.

Toxic people are toxic, regardless of the content. We should get rid of the actual problem.


Ho Gurgthock, now i agree with you to a degree but it is not as simple as that. Toxicity is a many pronged beast IMO. It comes from many different facets like the group finders, shards, M+'s, Raider IO, logs, but it all boils down to player base and how we use these.

I do not do M+'s and i have only recently came back as i took a year off cause blizz doesnt … hrm sorry i was sidetracked :slight_smile: . We should not remove a mode of play because an a-hole will be an a-hole with or without M+'s.

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M+ is fun with guild mates and friends, spent 4 hrs in a +17 once we didn’t make the timer, but we were determined to finish it and get the chance to get the rewards.

Pugg as a last resort, randos are always toxic.

I will not on a train, I will not on a plane. I will not in a box, I will not with a fox.

what do you want to replace it with?

theres already not much things to do in a week you better find something to add instead :stuck_out_tongue:

wait a minute, are you trying to kill the game ? :wink:

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M+ is just easier for flame bait. I’ve seen 2 DPS flame each other for “low dps” and the top DPS tell them they would do more dps if they weren’t typing as much. Those are epic times.

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Either way stilll raiding can easily be just as toxic.

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Just dont do m plus my guy


Seems the same complaint from a lot of people who dislike M+. The timer.

What would the impact be if they removed the timer for +1 through +15 and then added the timer beyond +15 for those wanting to push harder content?

They could do something like add an additional selection to your vault for timing a higher M+ each week.


Getting guaranteed 278 loot for zero challenge because you just wait out your big cds for bosses and really bad packs.

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The playerbase is what is toxic and WoW caters to the type. This isn’t a problem related to WoW too. All big name games that foster a competitive atmosphere are like this. Toxicity and competitive gaming go hand and hand and even is present in IRL sports too.

Your issue isn’t with mythic+ but with elitist tryhards. It just so happens you are going to find those types in content offering power rewards/



Does it need a revamp? Potentially.

Does it need removal? Given its one of the most played aspects of the game thats a hard no.

Should rather be toxic people inside M+ dungeons be punished through proper investigation of a GM? Yes

Naaaah, lets just remove it eh? Especially after only having done a single +2 in 5 to 6 years.

Dungeons had the “go go go” mentality long before M+.


I think the main problem isn’t that mythic+ exists, it’s that WoW seems to go through this cycle where they gave us places like Korthia where us casual players could get competitive gear but then you have all the hardcore people complaining about how now it’s mandatory to do stuff in the open world…

So I don’t think this is a battle Blizzard can ever actually win.

Though I have heard in Dragonflight they are toning down mythic+ a little bit? We will see how that goes


I think that what needs to happen, and it doesnt involve M+ as much as the vault and the raid drops, is make raid gear upgradeable like the mythic+ gear.


Please don’t. I really enjoy M+, from pugging to playing with people I know. Without it I would be pretty bored.

It may need updating but I wouldn’t delete it since it’s a viable content path for folks who like small tight groups instead of raids for gear.