Delete mythic +

If your solution to anything toxic is to delete it well sorry but humanity is going to always be so…as is nature and the universe. Probably delete that first to stop it.

Or you can get over it and just live and let live. The irony your post is just as toxic a view as those you condemn isn’t lost either.

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Delete Gurgthock.


M+ is the funnest content in the game. You’re insane.


Not a chance.


Then who would the RMTr’s sell runs to?


No thanks. Every expansion always has someone saying this or that ruins wow. They blame raiding for so many yrs so why ain’t you asking for raiding to be removed?

Well, I can directly attribute it to instance toxicity. If someone gets toxic with me in a dungeon it’s always always always because I don’t know skips and/or other “homework” that to my mind, only mythic people need to care about. Meaning it doesn’t even belong in easier modes, yet here we are.

No one cares what “time” you get on a normal. I’ll stop queueing for them long before I develop a srs bsns attitude toward friggin Normals. I actually had someone suggest, even though they agreed the attitude sucks, that I could avoid that toxicity if I just watched a video before the fight.

Seriously? A video to do trivial content? Not bloody likely, I’ll sooner take my lumps and not go back before I give myself homework for what’s supposed to be the laid back difficulty.

If they kept their toxicity in mythic, that’d be easy to avoid. But every once in a blue moon I get what’s clearly mythic players in my difficulties, and they aren’t welcome. Don’t start nothin won’t be nothin but it’s always them who gets the attitude. I’ll never yell at someone for going too fast, for instance, but they sure have no problem calling me names if I can’t keep up or don’t know how to thread the needle without pulling a couple extra mobs.

And that’s why they get labeled derisively as “tryhards.” They are literally trying overly hard at something that doesn’t even reward that behavior at all. And then have the gall to complain when other people aren’t playing just like them.


Only thing that bothers me about Mythic+ is how the majority of players think it’s all there is to do in the game. That’s one part Blizzard, one part our fault.

Even if Blizz added more casual-type content, our perception would still be go go go Mythic+.


So you want to… “remove content” how about NO. If people can’t handle the pressure, they shouldn’t do it.

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I think more toxicity comes from pvp. You literally had people doing /spit and /lol at each other.

Mythic plus is here to stay

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Youre spare parts bud


I’m gonna say no. How about we delete your favorite part of the game instead.

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m+ has problems, but removal isn’t a solution. M+ keeps too many players engaged when they’d otherwise be raidlogging or unsubbed. It also justifies development of dungeon content in general since they will never be worthless 3 weeks into an expansion like they were before.

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You skip way more mobs in normal/heroic. M+ kill requirement forces you to kill more.


The only people that hate mythic plus are the ones who are bad at it.

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That and people claiming “M+ pulls!” when someone pulls half the dungeon at once. In actuality, if you do that in M+ you are gonna have a really bad time.

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Let me understand this correctly. You chose to do an elective thing and didn’t look into how to do said thing but blame others because you didn’t learn how to do said thing?

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Delete shamans. They cant be tanks

See hot takes are ez to make

So how do you know M+ is toxic if you don’t even do M+?


I do a lot of keys. I see more toxic behavior in queble content LFD/LFR. If you want to remove something that fosters a toxic and elitist behavior then take out the LF’s and Mythic raid difficulty.

What would be left of the game if they took out everything that someone said was toxic.