Delete mythic +

Nah, timer is fine. Ignore it or minimize it, it is the only affix you can safely ignore every single week.

if it’s fine why must it be ignored or minimized

this means its bad

If I wanted esport I’d just play PVP

Dungeons for me are meant to be relaxing content you do after a hard days work and whatnot where you don’t have to use your brain.

In fairness, I find PVP relaxing

I rarely look at timer. The only time I consistently look at the timer is when we’re about to pull the last boss. It doesn’t need to be monitored, just do what you need to do, and if you’re good enough (eyyyyyy), you succeed. It’s really that simple.

I’ve look you up. I do feel for you in regards to needing to do m+. But same time you’re doing mythic raid and fairly deep in progression as well. Sadly that’s what we call mythic tax for playing on a high level.

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I don’t know if it’s appreciated by dps while levelling but I enjoy giga pulls every now and again in dungeons to let the dps really stretch their legs. Oozes before first boss and at least half of the NW necropolis with a weapon.

Do tell me about how you professionally play max toons of every class and every spec at competitive levels and have complete knowledge that not one of them require M+ gear to be equal to competitor team’s damage. Don’t worry, I’ll wait. :upside_down_face:

Not tying BiS raid gear pieces to come from M+ and M+ great vault slots is excluding players how? How is PvP “Segregated” from everyone? I haven’t touched PvP this expac until recently and within 3 nights of running a few 3’s I’m already at 1550. I only jumped into it for the transmog set (have half of it so far) and I was not at all excluded. It’s kind of sickening that you’re trying to use a trigger word here when that’s not at all what’s being discussed.

What??? Lol This is not at all true and Blizzard has even said that it makes it easier to balance everything when they don’t have to worry about someone exploiting some op item from one aspect into another. Having to consider all trinkets in the entire game for each fight in current content is way more of an issue when they can just conveniently retain their power only in the areas they are acquired in.

Are raiderIO and logs inherently toxic?

So you just want to grind 3 types of content for thousands of hours each? Lol. That is nuts.
Might as well just shut the game down while you’re ahead of yourself. We already saw how well shadowlands performed by layering grinds like that. Its a bad idea imo. I’d rather have a free-flowing exchange of content anyone can participate in with a revamped stat system that isn’t so upside down that it makes you stuck in one type of content, unless you want to spend hundreds if not thousands of hours farming for another set.

But the key points are more in how the stat system is being used now, and how it excludes a good portion of players simply by telling them “You need to start over from 0 to participate.” It just doesn’t value the players time at all.

It’s the hard-knock life for us
'Stead of treated
We get tricked
'Stead of kisses
We get kicked

:sweat_smile: It’s just too demanding of time and energy now compared to the fun, memorable, social leisure experience from good ol’ heroic WotLK days. When games were played to have fun instead of needing to fill the void in our lives with digital chores. :sob: Going to go cry in my corner now.

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You say that like it’s a bad thing
is that not what I’m supposed to use that ability for?


 oh no keep doing it, your healer will love you, and your tank
 oh you’ll see :smiley:

That’s what I thought.

What about using misdirection on the DPS who’s higher on the meter than me, sure he MAY die but then I’ll be #1.

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Go get them champ lmao.

This is what he wrote. Nothing he said there was toxic but countering your arguments.


You don’t play it then how can you be so sure that its coming from there? Where are these statistics that prove that player ‘A’ reacted in your normal dungeon in a certain way BECAUSE player ‘A’ got this mentality from mythics and not because player ‘A’ is already a jerk / doesn’t care about the rest of the people around him or is an inconsiderate prick to begin with.

You think that before M+ came into play, people didn’t have to do dungeons in normal and heroic modes to get gear ready for raiding? Ho ho ho. That has always been the case in Wow, be it Vanilla, TBC or the latter expansions. You start with questing gear, get higher end questing gear, get directed to normal dungeons, heroics. And finally it’d be raids.

Every aspect of the game does not involve M+. You don’t have to M+ if you only pvp. You don’t have to M+ if you only raid. Its different if you want to have an EDGE, get an extra bit of help or access to more options. Then that’s on you, no one is forcing you to do it. You want to have that extra bit of an advantage. Then you work for it and do extra content to get that advantage.

What are the other “competitive” levels of Wow anyway? I mostly play this game to do mythics. Raids? HAH! No thank you, I don’t enjoy wiping for hours on end on the same boss over and over and over and over and over
 over and over and over and over and over
 over and over and over and over and over
 over and over and over and over and over
 I think that I made my point.

Unless I’m doing it to hang out with certain people and have a few laughs while chatting. Which I do as a matter of fact, over the weekends. We wipe but we laugh a lot as well. We’re really there to hang out, raiding is just something that we all can do together as a group. But would I raid alone, otherwise? No, thank you. Also in said raid, there are people who don’t do mythics at all. They only have heroic raid gear, and guess what? They do alright with it.

PVP? Please. I don’t want bad vibes or toxicity. Not my cup of tea.

So what else is left that is related to the said - competitive aspects in the game? I don’t think that there is anything else

I mean, raiding mythics gives you 278 and there’s BIS gear there that is even better than mythic vaults. Because its a sure shot eventual drop rather than RNG over 100’s of pieces of gear spinning across 3 vault slots from mythic dungeons. So if you’re doing high end raiding, no. You don’t really NEED to be doing mythics unless its talking about gearing up faster. In which case, yes.

I could have said the same about raiding when I was a pvp’er in WOTLK. The best in slot trinket that dropped of Saurfang in ICC was a killer. Was I crying about how Bliz forced me to raid and get that trinket? Yes. Or the ICC legendary 2H weapon. Yes. I was upset about it now that I remember.

There’s so many instances where the BIS stuff is connected to another aspect of the game since this game has been going. Its always been this way and its done so that people branch over and try everything. So the whole thing about “deleting mythics” or making “mythic content” relevant to “mythics” only is silly. By that logic, they should make raid content only viable for raids. Pvp content only viable for pvp. And mythic content only viable for mythic. Now you’ve locked your doors and no one is going anywhere else. Does that make the game more fun for the majority of the players? Nope. What happens to those who used to do a bit of everything? Now they need 3 sets of gears for 3 different aspects of the content. And if you include specs in that, are they even gonna have the bag space for all of that? LOL, then you add in the hybrid specs which are coming out in Dragonflight. Maybe if you can lend bag slots or something? Yeah.

Edit : I get where you’re coming from though with how you shouldn’t be forced to do some content if you only like a certain aspect of it. But the game is tuned to serve the majority, not just a few. And its not like you can’t do well in pvp with only pvp gear. Granted you may fall short at the same skill level against someone who has a BIS PVE item. But otherwise? Not really a heaven and earth difference. It is how it is, I’m sorry. :frowning:

If you want to take the top of the top into this then i will ignore you by default. The top dogs are irrelevant as far as game design is concerned especially if its aimed at being catered towards them. And you said “everyone” who hates M+ and only wants to be at “competitive levels” (which is a stretchy term) in other aspects of the game can only do so by running M+. And this is strictly put false.

Comparing just you and me alone im playing the game at a higher level than you and i find this attempted “rating bash” amusing at best.

I dont have to worry because its irrelevant. Especially if you conveniently ignore the rest of the post.

there’s a reason why I’ve stop raiding currently. I enjoy the challenge but just cant find the time anymore

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“thousands”? lol Read what I said about running 3’s. I spent maybe 3 hours total, one each night, and already got to 1550 and half the transmog I wanted from it. Pvp is not “segregated” nor is the gear tied to high end raid content. That is how M+ should also be. Easy to step into without the use of other aspects’ gear.

It doesn’t take thousands of hours of grinding to just experience pvp, m+, and raiding. It only takes a huge demanding amount of time when you want to get to high competitive levels of each, as it should.

Athletes in the Olympics aren’t able to run every sport and be in the top for each. And Olympic Ice skaters do not require weekly synchronized swimming to compete in Olympic Ice skating. Just as Raiders (who already put so much time into high end raiding) should not have to also put in more insane amounts of time into M+.

No, not even close. Granted, I didn’t play in Vanilla. I started in TBC, but dungeons did not take more than 15-30mins to complete, I didn’t have to run 8 of them a week for only 3 chances to get useful gear at the highest possible ilvl, no one on my raid team needed dungeon gear to do enough damage/healing for heroic end boss fights, we only ran dungeons at the beginning of a raid tear to have enough gear for the first few normal boss fights, it was not a timed rush, etc. etc. Dungeons were insanely easy compared to what’s required now.

Yup, it is different at higher levels. No, it is not on me. Just like it wouldn’t be on Athletic Ice skaters if they were required to do synchronized swimming to compete in professional Ice Skating. That’s idiotic. I explained all that to Gaijinn in the last paragraph which I merged with this reply for your convince. ^^^^

You seem to have left out the part of progressing in raids, having raid ready gear, which won’t be viable from M+ because of your idea. You’re also assuming that you will be able to even do pvp if players returned enmass to the game. There would be more barrier to entry. I don’t think you thought out your point too well, and the repercussions behind it.

Yep, and I bet you cheesed your way through it using someone with higher rating lmao.

To be fair, a ton of it’s popularity comes from the fact that it’s the easiest source of gear in the game lol. Run a few Mythic+ and then just log out for the rest of the week.

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