So you are watching the NBA and expecting it means collegiate players play that way?
Ok then.
Maybe try “MDI is contributing to aberrant behavior.” rather than M+. Your average KSM (or hell anything below pushing close to 30s) does NOT play like MDI.
Gramted there is little downtime, but that is not really what go go go means. The problem with N/H is pulling half the damn dungeon. That is go go go. If it were just consistently pulling it would not be an issue. We don’t need to take a 2 minute break between every pull.
I made note of this on a similar thread a night or two ago.
That is exactly what is frustrating.
98% of the work is already done for them, all they have to do is show up and learn. M+ is even a lower bar until you get into higher keys.
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Well, to a point yes. A lot of people try to emulate their idols or whatever.
Very true! I suppose we could argue MDI wouldn’t be a thing if M+ didn’t exist, but I agree with you on that point.
That’s a people being dumb problem then, not a problem with the content itself.
Probably not, but it’s a pretty terrible idea to remove the most played content in the game over a tournament.
Well, people are dumb. People trying to be something they are not or playing in a way that they aren’t capable of. Its not the contents fault, true. But that content and players unrealistic expectation has bred a gross environment that bleeds into other areas of the game.
There’s no way they would ever remove m+. I said earlier they opened pandoras box. Its too late to go back. I just kind of long for the times it wasn’t chain pull till your fingers bleed. Or efficient route only lest people drop group.
Maybe post in block letters for certain players. Do not try this in your 15’s etc. So they don’t try it out, fail and then abandon ship. lol
I don’t think that every really existed. I mean since servers were divided, I suppose that could have been the case on some servers. My experience has never been much outside Pull. Kill. Pull. Kill. Scooch the side so we don’t pull. Pull. Kill. Wait for that pat to go the other direction so we don’t have to kill them. Etc etc.
Right? I think the only “MDI” thing my group does is our warlock somehow pulls mobs through the… door? in the Mists maze. I don’t know how, but I am pretty sure he learned it from MDI.
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Pets do a lot of the leg work.
Supporting evidence number 1: hiding on a level 50 claiming theyve only ever done 1 m+. This would lead to the conclusion you dont know anything about it, you havent spent any time in keys yourself to experience any of this “toxicity” first hand. Anything you say aftrr claiming all of this is moot.
What groups? You said you dont do m+. And if you mean m0…well buddy that content is soloable at this point in the expansion. So im sorry to tell you but even if you were floor pov youd get through it.
Its 1 button right now actually, and far from the top of the meters
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Yeah, he sends his pet in there, I just still don’t know how lol. I’ve not ever watched a second of MDI (or anything game related).
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You can see mobs through the mist, you just have to order a pet command, when I played DK, I had it keybined to Ctrl 1-4, and I had the stun keybined to Shift t, so I could stun them back to back if needed, along with a brain freeze. (Asphyxiate-> burst–> gnaw stun–> Use brain freeze if they cast, keep Antimagic shell/IBF/ deaths advance to avoid knockback or stuns myself/fears included.).
he’s done 1 m0 this expac. Or atleast he only has 1 achievement which is NW
nice toxicity from another DH player who feels the need to put others down.
I wonder if I could send my trees as a boomkin… though my group would probably object as I am the healer…
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you know that your regular m+ group doesn’t do the same insane pull as MDI right?
Yeah, I’ve read, and seen it, but I’m skeptical if he wasn’t carried tbh. I think he has expectations that just weren’t realistic, and he doesn’t want to comply with anything above “Hand it to me, I showed up and did nothing.” But I can’t prove it outside what it sounds like.
You can try it, I don’t know if they live long enough, or have pet commands, you can try lol.
Maybe I will try it in a Heroic so I don’t screw things up trying to be a Boomkin in my actual content lol.
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Its toxic to counter your statement with facts i guess