Delete mythic +

i swear you’d think it’s a requirement to be extremely passive aggressive and toxic in order to play DH

Well, they sacrificed so much… made em a bit salty.

Don’t hurt me DHs

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Literally why I posted this video friend. He’s only been back to WoW for a few months and has these odd expectations of everyone else over one person, probably an event that didn’t happen. :man_shrugging:

their leader is gone so they’ve gone awry

I swear people these days think any counter argument immediately means a person is toxic because they dont share the same view and have countered with facts; proving full well that you are in thr wrong.

The only toxic thing here is your original post about removing parts of the game because you dont like it. Just dont play it then, simple as that. Problem solved

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yea can’t say if he’s carry or not. But same time assuming how he is I’d say he’s clueless w/ the dungeon so 8 of 10 say he’s been carried. His achievement also shown he had some last month so this lvl 50 toon is link to his main account.

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i dont play it. but the toxicity is seeping into the content i do play

Maybe you are the problem then

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We literally have given him every solution under the sun lmao.

  1. Block said person.
  2. Stick to LFG
  3. Go back to FF14.

If you don’t play it, can anyone take your opinion on it seriously?


like i said, it’s easy to read at face value an random OP. and call them bad and stuff at the game. but that’s exactly why mythic plus should be deleted.

let’s just delete m0. It’s not needed anymore

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im surprised the thread blew up like it has. it was a random thought i had in the middle of the night. wake up and wow. literally

but i believe in my stance.

You proposed deleting the content most people do and you are surprised it got many replies? Do you kick a beehive and become surprised when bees come out and sting you?


Why because you have an opinion about something you dont do?

You cant have a valid opinion about something you dont and have not participated in.

Its like me rolling up to NASA “hey, just so you know im a better astronaut than amyone you have on roster, i flew in a plane once so i know”

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calling people bad at the game with no basis is exactly why new players arent entering group content. and are being driven away

the mythic plus mentality has to go.

I think i referenced his lack of cognitive functionality earlier lolol.

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truth hurts huh?

The common denominator in this equation is you. So either learn the content you intend or are doing and improve…instead of advocating for its removal because you lack the mental capacity to induldge in some ligjt study

I don’t doubt it was a random thought, but I also doubt 100% you didn’t know what you were trying to do, you knew. Nothing wrong with feeling different about something, but don’t get hostile when ppl don’t agree with your take.

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