You did respond after I had said it, I figured I may as well stay at this point, I’ve already invested this amount of time.
Have you seen the stuff people say to each other on discord when raiding? There’s no one to police any sort of racism or anything that is caustic there. Mythics don’t compare to it at all.
Forget raiding, have you seen the levels of toxicity in pvp rbg’s and arena games? That’s even more than raiding. Heck, you want a sample, try arena skirmishes. Mythics can be toxic, yes. But you’re wrong saying that they are the source of toxicity.
it was hidden but the mods restored it so it’s not a bad idea in their mind.
Not only that but it’s pretty rare to have a blow up over inexperienced players. Sure it happens but most players know new players are going to be there and at the very least it’s quicker to roll with the punches and get what you’re there for than go on a pointless tirade.
But this is a very disingenuous thread from start to finish. Knows an awful lot and has some pretty strong feelings for someone who’s only done one m+ years ago.
Just put them on ignore and move on.
raiding seems fun but i only ever do LFR for transmog. honestly if you do the right dance and dps well enough you dont get a scolding in discord. as far as ive seen
Yeah, I think i made a similar point earlier regarding his non existent story. For someone who has been doing “Casual” M0’s , he sure took a good 7 years to start complaining about it now.
like i said, it was an idea in the middle of the night. i was surprised it exploded like it has. expected maybe a few replies
Wait hold up, you’re going into discord for LFR? Are you even playing the same game.
what? no. only for kel’thuzad
but im talking about raiding in general.
pull you weight and you dont get yelled at
You’re a bad troll. lmao.
well i was joking around. cause i did have to join discord in a random LFR for kel thuzad a few months ago.
use your own advise in Mythic + and you’ll avoid toxicity
i already said this earlier in the thread. i pull my weight. but people like to be obtuse intentionally
Christ on a cracker, people have been skipping as much as possible since Vanilla. Did you legit just start playing in Legion?
at the end of wod
That explains so much…
I don’t even know if he played tbh, I’m starting to think he has been playing FF14, and has the same expectations.
i started 14 when everyone started going to there. in 2021, and during the blizzard allegations. was glad to be away from the game for those couple of months. came back in april
I want auto-matchmaking in the LFD tool for Mythics. That’s the #1 reason I don’t do them.
If I could queue for a Mythic+, I would do them. But letting individual players control group recruitment, with no other options, is why I stay away and stick to the casual content.
is that bad? i saw the hype trailer for legion and started to play. i boosted a mage and bought a store mount too as my first mount. the grey lion