Delete mythic +

That isn’t what you said earlier.

toxic mythic + mentality. i never said the players are toxic. their gameplay has influenced casuals to try their methods, toxic wipe the group and leave. it has happened once too many times. also their throwing angry chats at everyone.

I did knock out M+ back into BFA when gear was more accessible.

What so trying to be a better player is toxic?
How is that bad?
Also your once in a million run in with a supposed “DH” is not worth justifying your argument.

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And therefore your conclusion is “punish these players who I admit are not toxic, because people who don’t do their content are mean to me”? Explain that one, my dude.

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There are so many gymnastics here… I can’t keep up with all the excuses.

there is trying to be a better player and knowing the limits of your group. a group of casuals doing mythic 0 are not best geared they just wanna have fun get their weekly. there is no purpose to being better if you pull a room, wipe a group then leave. its toxic. and its because of mythic + mentality.

I hate to tell you this, but M0 is the gateway into M+, a lot of the players making alts, aren’t casuals. Maybe you should stick to LFG.

yeah and guess what. the new players doing those mythic 0s, meet the toxicity, and are driven away completely. is that what you want?

In all honesty this has been happening long before mythic + was even a thing…

I don’t think your one off story really justifies what you’re saying.

then i’m sorry. but i’m not changing my stance. think what you will of me. you could have moved on to another thread like you said.

He is a FF14 player, I wouldn’t give him that much credit.

ah, now you’re saying because i play another mmo, i must be “bad” perhaps? well, i only started 14 in 2021. i have played this since 2015

No I’m saying you probably aren’t used to how this game operates.

nice generalization of players of other mmos

In all fairness, you can’t be bad, you’re casual, that requires you to try, you’re not.

Go ahead and burn that strawman if it makes you happy.

well, you could have been off on another thread like you said an hour ago. so you honor me with your time and your attention you have brought my thread and suggestion. delete mythic+ so that the game stops being toxic in casual content and maybe new players will enter the pool to play group content for once.

Toxic wow behaviour has been around since vanilla when ninja looting 40 man raids was a thing… It’ll always exist and your just choosing to now blame it on Mythic +