Delete mythic +

Last time i checked it was the people who create toxic atmosphere not the content it self lol

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sorry, but yeah.

i pull my weight. its not me who makes people wipe my groups. its the mythic plus mentality that wipes groups

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Then take my offer and use my key. I’d even stream it to the forums so it’s not a he say she say scenario


yes but mythic plus fosters it.

raiding is not that bad, pvp is almost as bad. but mythic plus is where it festers most and is fostered and bred

Tell me you started playing in Legion without telling me you started in Legion.

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I don’t see the correlation bud. So if one guy speeds in a mustang, every ford owner is now a criminal? Like what lol.

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Please explain how so ?

you can choose to be the non toxic crayon. or you can be the toxic crayon

its easier to be the toxic crayon in those mythic plus

being toxic is the easy way out


It’s the only thing keeping me in this expansion at this point lol

I haven’t had that consistent experience like you’re saying. I’ve ran quite a few keys in the past, and i’ve been more mellow about it in Season 3.

I see exclusivity, but I mean usually its based on rapport. Its becoming increasingly difficult to see how one bad player’s abuse in LFG is a representation of M+ content.

i play wow to chill after work, do some casual mythic 0s get some better gear, maybe a transmog or two and then farm old content. the mentality that mythic plus has bred has made it not even fun. and i resort to just old content instead.

Considering you gave no statement why you think that M+ environment is toxic , since theres only players and NPC there and bosses vs just raid NPC and bosses wiping 30 times and taking 3 hours rep run 
 i say you legit no idea what your talking

we need MORE dungeons for the m+ circuit

more mythic 0 dungeons, less toxicity. im okay with that

so you have zero experience w/ m+ other than what other told you. Gotcha

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Hes trolling

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I think there is a lot more to consider.

  1. End of season is a lot different than start of the season.
  2. I personally haven’t seen that kind of “competitiveness” in M0.
  3. One “Demon hunter” doesn’t represent all M+ players.
  4. You can block players like this to avoid queueing with them again.

I don’t see the issue to be honest, I see a logical fallacy, but I’m giving you chances to provide some objectivity here.

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I called him out on another post and he instantly made this post right after. He’s just mad.

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there is nothing objective about this. everyone has a different opinion on it. mine is that they should remove mythic + and make the game less toxic to play. new players would benefit