Delete mythic +

its gotten so bad and this is regardless of when in the patch cycle a group is formed, that there is less people , even for the weekly queueing for my groups or groups i join. i do hope the horde cross faction reinforces my pool of people to play with, but the toxicity must be ended.

You can use an addon to blacklist players, including in trade chat if so desired. You won’t run into them ever again.

if you keep getting toxicity in dungeons then you’re the problem. No one likes a carry on any group content

I agree toxicity is bad. But we aren’t the ones being toxic, you don’t need to punish us to get at them. Especially since it won’t matter in the end, they will just find some other way to be dickish because that’s what toxic people do.

also, Blizzard has gotten very generous with the filter

I mean, if I was running those lfgs on my 267 feral, i’d probably laugh and meme through it. Not even sure i’d care ,but I wouldn’t spam those dungeons xD. I’m really curious as to how this dh isn’t just one shotting all the casual LFG dungeons though, like what? XD

you’re just a troll attacking people over them being bad with no evidence to support your claims. i pull my weight in my groups. do you?

actually probably, you only need to hit 3 buttons on DH and you’re top meters.

You think you do but I’m betting all my gold you dont. Wanna prove me wrong I’ll even let you use my key.

Ahh back to insulting my class again. How very intellectual of you

You directly attribute instance toxicity to M+ despite the fact it existed before M+? Do you directly attribute the internet for the existence of rude people?

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Idk if it is an insult at this point. :shrug: the quantity of buttons don’t determine the player, pressing the right ones, and button presses per second tend to though.

people who try to insult you by calling you class out tbh is kinda pathetic and a move a 5year old will do. Didnt even consider what spec my dh is lol

sometimes i’m 2/3 dps on the meter. sometimes im 1/3 dps on the meter. sometimes on my openers im top. but i do pull my weight.

Either put up or shut up

DPS is only one component of the role. The rest is helping tanks peel when needed, off healing if capable, and interrupting. In keys i’d care more about players who interupt and assist with utility, and are 2/3 or 3/3 on dps but still average with the rest of the group. How big you crit/dps doesn’t mean much to me tbh.

if you’re just going to follow me around and attack me, you’re no better than the toxic MDI wannabes who wipe my groups or groups im in.


I want my RPG back. Gut this toxic esport crap outta the game.

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yessss dude. i agree

so you want to dance around saying how good you are and yet dont want to do the key I’m offering you. It’s a +15 key on my alt. If you’re as good as you say you are then take the offer. Key is there and you’ll have a competent tank running w/ you. Ask people in the forum who played w/ me and they can attest how competent I am

This is correct. I mean DPS is important, don’t get me wrong… but it doesn’t matter if you are #1, if you never use your utility, I am probably not going to invite you back. On the other hand you can be #3 and kick on cd (or whatever) and I will Btag friend you so fast your head will spin.

Of course there is a minimum threshold for dps that needs to be done, but in M+ what divides the wheat from the chaff (so to speak) is not DPS.


atilt said i dont pull my weight. and that i want carries. all im saying is i pull my weight. yes, i throw down everything at my disposal in my hotbars to aid when i can the healer, drop aggro. etc. im just saying to the troll

Okay, because you responded to me. Just saying.