Delete mythic +

I find raids to be dull. I know, how about we delete that

Great, so we will discard this and move to another thread. Thanks for your time.

New players dont have to do M+ if they dont want to why remove lol ?

honestly im surprised the thread has gone on this long. it was an idea in the middle of the night.

I’m a solo player in ff14 btw
 I can’t be bothered at this point to do group content after my experiences in WoW.

How do some people manage to beat single player games when they can’t rely on others to carry them.

i play ff14 as well. i prefer the group content there way more but theres nothing to do right now

I have an idea we should remove casual content just raid and M+

let’s not. I rather the bad keep to themselves >.>

This is probably a huge bait thread, but w/e.

This is like saying “I did LFR one time and I swore never to step foot in raid again” it doesn’t make sense at all

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i have to disagree

casual content is toxic tho

what i mean is that the toxicity it has bred since, is seeping into casual mythic 0 content now. and groups wipe because of the mythic + mentality. it makes the game reluctant to new players.

I read that the toxicity in m0 and other casual content is due, exclusively, to the existence of zandalari troll shamans, that’s about when it started up. And no, I won’t give you any sources because apparently we don’t need to qualify our baseless claims around these parts.

People do this in any game now, people do this in tbc at this very moment. It isn’t the content, it’s the player base.

yea because you have so much experience in m+ to know this right?

You’ve never proven the connection, you assumed it.
You also reiterated it wasn’t factual only opinionated, so whats the point of making the thread?

if we didnt have mythic +, we wouldnt need strats on how to avoid here, avoid this. because in mythic 0 if you try and take this way to avoid, the mobs get pulled anyway and wipe the group. its an endless spiral

And you know this, definitively, based off the single +2 you’ve ever done. Right.

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Sounds like the Toxicity he is projecting onto others tbh.


You understand what the difference w/ m+ and M0 right? M0 has it’s own route than m+. You dont need 100% mob count and just need to kill the bosses. The more you talk the more I understand how clueless you are. You’re probably that guy who keeps facepulling things and blame the group for being toxic to you

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