yeah mythic 0s are casual dungeons
mythic plus are the toxic dungeons and the toxicity is seeping to casual dungeons. makes new players not want to do groups
a DH tank will try MDI strats and wipe the group then leave
yeah mythic 0s are casual dungeons
mythic plus are the toxic dungeons and the toxicity is seeping to casual dungeons. makes new players not want to do groups
a DH tank will try MDI strats and wipe the group then leave
I think it should stay for ppl who like it.
I wish they like gave us more options though for getting gear vs pvp/raid/m+
this happens too many times even in leveling dungeons lol
I will repeat myself one more time.
The toxicity was born and bred in NON-Mythic dungeons. If I tried to play a Mythic dungeon the way people play a N/H. I would be dead within the first 30 seconds. Also MDI isn’t M+ (I mean it is, but it’s different). 99.9% of us do not do the kind of pulls they do (assuming they are crazy pullls, I never watched). Maybe tell your fellow players to stop acting like they are in tournament content when they arent instead of blaming your regular M+ players who have done nothing.
Or you could keep tilting at windmills, your call.
Actually the npc Gurgthock and his servent Wodin were both named after Ion’s charcter and another member of Elitis Jerks character.
not even remotely but idrc about the toxicity really cuz ican just ignore them tbh
I think that is an independent issue, are they really that bored? lol. What would they be “testing”? There are no affixes or otherwise.
new players are driven away from group content either way
which is why it must be eradicated
Got a source for this?
I can make shizz up too.
yeah it’s nearly every mythic 0 i form. something happens and they leave.
It’s not M+ players doing Normals and Heroics, it’s wanna be badasses.
That’s not a source, babydoll.
So punish everyone for a couple of off chance odds? Idk, got a video or something?
it’s the attitudes, the unsportsmanshipness and these are not mythic plus players but wannabe mythic plus players acting hard, pulling everything and when they die they leave
this is what i mean by mythic + breeding toxicity that seeps into casual content
“Hardcore Casuals.” Sounds like a meme.
Yes, WANNABE M+ players, not us… so why do you want to take our stuff.
I think I kinda see the angle you are approaching this from, but I still disagree. Asshats are gonna be asshats, regardless. How about we delete the asshats directly?
if you’ve seen the many DH tanks ive seen pull an entire room and then the group wipes, you’d believe it too
DH kinda suckin golf balls tbh w/ you. Other than havoc.
oh wow, something competitive makes some people toxic? Crazy idea
Yes, lets remove one of the only three ways of actually playing end-game, leaving only raids () and PvP ()