Delete mythic +

No, this was several hours before that. Maybe that was because of this.

It hasn’t exacerbated it is the point you are missing. Anyone that truly thinks gogogo exists in M+ is deluded. Yes there is a timer. Yes you try to beat the timer, but that is with CONSISTENT pulling, ie finishing off one pack (or most of a pack depending on affixes) and pulling the next pack. It is not speeding through 1/4 of the dungeon and aoeing it all down. If you do that you will die. Repeatedly.

edit: Lets take Halls of Atonement for example. N/H people run straight to the first big guy. Mythic our first pull is I think 6 mobs.

The forums are just the same 10 people alt hopping and talking to each other. Nothing if import is ever said here.

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Probably but I still try, 'cause I am probably dumb.

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pleasure as always

You can do that now. It’s called a completion run.

it’s most certainly an epidemic

christ im so sick of hearing this

we have been gogogo in dungeons since LONG before m+ was even a twinkle in Ion’s eye.

additionally, only bad players or players who haven’t actually done any m+ think it’s actually “gogogo”. when you approach it that way is when you fail.

lmao yes. very much so.


There is a cutoff where you get nothing.

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So basically, you wanna toss around generalizations and insults without having to hear them back? Let’s calm down, now. Something, something glass houses.


This mans done irreputable damage to Warcraft he should be removed immediately.
He is arrogant and does not listen to his customer base .

Lemme guess,

You ran a mythic plus dungeon. Your damage was way beyond lower than average. You couldn’t keep up and died to simple mechanics. Then someone called you a noob.

Now you’re here complaining.

Is that right?

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And got deleted.

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Worse. He did one M+ in Legion and he is still salty about it.

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no what im salty about is how toxic casual dungeons are now as a result of the toxic breeding in mythic plus now

:rofl: that is actually hilarious. That is some severe burn.

Except they aren’t. That toxicity belongs to that community. The stuff that happens in Normal/Heroic dungeons would cause a key to fail 100% of the time.

im talking about mythic 0s

Well Mythic 0 isn’t Mythic+
 I am confused.

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You blame the dungeons, not the people?
