Delete 100% of everyone's gold for TBC

Why, because I couldn’t possibly be playing classic right now? What sort of argument is this?

RIP all my gold made from tribute

[quote=“Boneshield-lightbringer, post:19, topic:831761, full:true”]

Dumb argument. Bots are not the only things able to exploit the gold market. Players, I would argue, know way more about different strategies on how to get fast gold than bots do.

You called his argument dumb, then literally typed out the point he was making. Bravo dude.

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I expect TBC Classic to go something like this:

Roll A New Character On A TBC Classic Server = Subscription Cost

Transfer Existing Vanilla Classic Character With Gear And Mounts, But Stripped of All Items and Gold To TBC Classic Server = Subscription Cost + $25 Per Character

Transfer Existing Vanilla Classic Character With All Items and Gold To TBC Classic Server = Subscription Cost + $50 Per Character

Copy Existing Vanilla Classic Character With All Items and Gold To TBC Classic Server = Subscription Cost + $100 Per Character

It’s all about Blizzard maximizing profit and minimizing effort and costs at this point.

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That would only maximize profits if everyone didn’t just up and quit in disgust. lol. I think the reverse would be true.


TBC is best expansion. Ill be all over it no matter what.



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You can’t solve TBC Classic by modifying gold. The problem is far too out of hand to simply resolve the problem by flipping an on/off switch on all player gold. Classic needed devs who both cared and understood the product, and it got neither.

If you wan to prevent the damage the gold will in TBC, they need to increase the spawn rates for material nodes as well as remove the 30 daily limit on instances. The only way to combat endless gold is to give players the ability to farm instead of buy materials. Gold will become meaningless in the market, but that’s the only avenue available to fix anything about server economies.

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Agreed. That would be super simple. The problem that comes with it is that players would not want to share the same server with those who paid more. Each cost tier would have to transfer to a server with only players from the same cost tier. Then it would work … in theory. What will happen, though, is that the highest cost tiers will not materialize or the players will get upset quickly and leave. The reason is because those players want an advantage, so that is what they would pay for. Entering a server full of other players like themselves is not the advantage that they seek. It is probable that A-B will offer two types of servers: fresh start and copy-transfers. The copy-transfer servers will depopulate quickly and fail. Those players will ultimately roll on private servers or come late to the party on a fresh start server.

100% legitimately home grown gold.


Honestly I think we should be limited to 500 gold to bring into TBC per account max.

Reasons being, bringing gold into TBC is legitimate, but bringing materials and BoE’s aren’t a good thing because its providing capital for the RMT people to get going in TBC. Even though giving up my horde of gold is unfortunate, its also better for the rest of the community to do so.

So I sponsor reducing gold per account to a point… 500 gold is a fair mark, and allows players to have enough gold to buy skills, abilities, repairs, etc on their adventure into TBC.

That’s just my Zero point two copper.

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op: “i want attention!”


It doesn’t matter if it’s easy or not. The fact is it’s there. If it’s easy to make gold, then people whining about not having the same amount of gold as other people who do make the gold can just as easily make the gold in preparation for TBC. A lot of people already are.

Demand is going to be at an absolute high, and people aren’t going to have the gold immediately to afford it. It’ll slow down content clearing, sure, but it’ll also heavily slow down virtually everything in game. That’s not always a good thing.

…you do realize you quoted me specifically mentioning people who know how to make gold there right? So… you’re agreeing with me?

Another stupid reply from you, I’m coming to expect that from you!

People who aren’t fanatics at making gold and aren’t drowning in gold right now will still get into that position relatively quickly in a forced fresh server, but everyone else will not. They’ll instead have no gold to speak of, on top of having to buy their ground mounts, flying mounts, and spells.

The most greedy and entitled people are the ones who want forced fresh, and you’re not making a good argument otherwise.

There’s the issue of all those gold sinks on top of not being able to afford basic flying. People will be farming gold at cap rather than doing dungeons and gearing up, and even worse the TK dungeons will be ghost towns until enough people have their flyers.

I’m already planning what I might be doing for TBC launch, but I’m not sure if I want to. I’ve already got two Zulian Slicers and can level skinning quickly enough to farm Clefthoof - but that’d be rather boring, if lucrative.

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oh my!

Yup, +20 skinning is going to go a long way if I want to farm Clefthoof for ages. Sadly I’ll probably be competing with bots.

Fear of not having enough is a powerful motivator. Luckily this is just a game, right?


yeah, my herbs are gonna be a war Vs the deluge of Horde zugzug bots, but here is the good news for me… Horde dominated servers = mostly horde bots = I can eliminate them = I can also make money on eliminating them by real horde players who see me doing so.

It’s not just classic. Retail is full of bots as well. If they can’t solve this issue in classic or retail, what makes you think they’ll magically figure it out for BC?


heck hell no
i only have 400 gold but ive worked my tail off getting it
i dont want it all taken ayway just to plz some newb


It’s a particularly selfish demand disguised an appeal for the betterment of the, “game” - when in reality it wouldn’t actually do anything.

You obviously don’t know how supply and demand works or basic economics.

Espeia’s use of the word “demand” differs from your use of the word “demand.” Esperia means a demand as in a request. Your use of demand means as in the context of supply and demand (economics), a want.

A request and want are not the same things. I can want a glass of water. To get it, I would request it.

Yeah, that’ll go over like a turd in the punch bowl.