Delete 100% of everyone's gold for TBC

Why do people keep posting this nonsense. There are many reasons people don’t want a gold reset. I don’t have much gold. None of my 60’s has an epic mount. I neither buy nor sell gold. I don’t support a gold reset even though it would likely not affect me because it would allow more gold to transfer than I have.


I think people play now because they enjoy classic and will continue enjoying classic well into tbc. Can always play both!

Or TBC can be its own game

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But BC never existed as a standalone game, it only existed as an expansion to vanilla wow. How would BC being a separate standalone game be remotely authentic to the original experience?


I might make a casual character in a Classic realm, but I’m not sure. I’d be more interested in doing it all over again in a few years. Come TBC, my casual character will be a BE Paladin - something I don’t plan to do more than dabble on post-70.

Classic has existed for what… a year and a half now, thereabouts? It’s had plenty of time for anyone interested to play it. TBC is a different beast, and it still lets people try it from level 1 - just somewhat different.

From 1-60 it’s still, basically, the same game with somewhat better talents.

We will have both for sure. Just depends if blizzard decides to force player choices or give players choices.

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Only mad people who don’t know how to farm gold.


Did you even READ the post you chop quoted?

You just told someone they were dumb and AGREED with them at the same time.

Good grief…


They have never really figured out how to deal with mudflation, and the best things they have are overprices vanity items like mounts.

They could add some 100k+ gold mounts to TBC, that would eat away at the mountain a bit, but that would be a pretty big change, so they will prob let it ride.

bro don’t worry I’m also broke af :joy:

Blizzard has never charged people for transfers when they needed people to do it. If we do transfer, which i doubt, it’ll be free.

I don’t agree. Players will buy gold because they’re lazy. If I were to lose my gold, and i mean even a copper of it, ill buy gold from now on.

I’m only at 4k gold right now but I’m farming for 10k on launch. Leveling tailoring alts can be expensive as well as naxx consumes.

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OP is another lazy player wanting others to pay for their laziness

The horse is glue at this point


You didn’t actually read my post.

You will have to take my 9g, 59s, 22c from my cold, dead hands.


Can’t wait in feb when they announce standalone TBC. They won’t touch classic with a 6-foot-pole due to legal problems that would quickly follow. They promised wow classic. A bait and switch would put them in hot water, oh so quickly.

Realms, that are not interlaced, are better, legally. Otherwise, they would have to re-market their entire champagne as being a, “progressive, re-creation of World of Warcraft’s entire development journey.” Which they haven’t.

They marketed it quite differently in fact. They marketed WoW Classic. #nochanges

The wisdom of the forums

1st semester dropouts everywhere


Fine. Smart people will simply sink it all into profession leveling mats prior to release and then make their gold back once the mats sell.

The situation is out if your control and it bothers you. That is amusing.

Bill Gates was a drop out.

Care to share any more of your ignorant takes?

no no

I get all my legal advice from the forums. Im sure your take is solid.