Delay the launch of WOTLK Classic

You do realize that private servers
Tbc is the worst population
Wotlk private servers is the highest

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This is the dumbest thing to post period, ever. The original TBC released and was only live for about a year as well (2007 - 2008) granted it was I think like 22 months long in actuality; however, this is classic, the mystery is solved. we know how to do the encounters and we have the internet and builds that we didn’t have back then. The only people that currently play classic are only doing so to level their mains for WotLK. Why should the rest of us wait so you can have time to clear ancient out dated content? There’s also no reason you cant just complete it during WotLK. This is it dude, we’re done with classic after Wrath, theres no Cata Classic (dont you do it blizzard). Just play the game and stop hoping on some forum to express your inadequacy.


you have had over a year to get through tbc not our fault your slow

we are def gonna get Cata and i cant wait

Amorantha, Nanooke, and Lifebringer are all the same person, just look at their writing styles

next level sad

Sorry but no one will twist you or anyone in your guild arms to move on from bc when wrath drops. Delaying the release serves no purpose when u are free to continue playing the way you and your friends want to.

I mean if you haven’t cleared the content by now you can either:

  • started weeks ago and never played wow before
  • play in a really really bad guild with really really bad players.

Either way, you should work towards WoTLK Classic instead wasting your time on TBC, it is ending pretty soon.

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Agreed, tbc and vanilla are the golden age of WoW and rushing tbc like this is a spit in the face to the mainstream playerbase.

The speed runners and sweats who practiced muru 100 times on the PTR to get a week 1 kill are less than 1% of the population. Retail tourists are a minority who never wanted classic realms in the first place and would say even 1 month of tbc is too much, and are inconsequential players financially since they will be paying for dragon flight anyway weather or not they play classic.

At a bare minimum we should get a December release of wrath which would at least give us a 1.5 year cycle which is less than ideal but not terrible. Unfortunately, an October 1st release is the most likely. At least we can rejoice in the tears of the whiners who were delusional enough to believe in an august or early September release.

TBC private servers are notorious for being the most difficult to code and have had consistently awful scripting and an ocean of bugs. To add the cherry on top, you had core craft promising for years to finally pump out a well scripted tbc server and never delivered, which discouraged any other well staffed team from trying.

Not true, before classic vanilla servers were the most popular. Even if you trust warmanes fake numbers, Nostalrious still beat them out in active users by an order of magnitude.

It’s already super boring for us and we’ve only been killing KJ for 4 weeks. There’s been and will be plenty of time for prog and if you haven’t killed KJ before wrath drop then that’s unfortunate, but not a reason to delay content for the rest of us.

LMFAO i thought you were trolling but then realized you are serious


you know illidan is only easy cause we skip his hard phase right

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can’t wait for people to hate on wrath for being a terrible expansion because of all the meta slaves. :joy:

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You’re not in a dad guild if it took you 5 weeks to kill KJ.

Dad guilds are still struggling with Muru.

Felt like a grandfather guild.

give us wotlk faster so cata can come faster

I would of hoped that blizzard did a wotlk server that I had to pay to transfer to. that way those wanting to stay and do TBC would have the same pool of people still trying to progress. doing so would also give blizzard the number of people who wish to stay in TBC without progressing towards wotlk.

though most of you seem to say “so continue to do the content” , anyone continuing into WOTLK most likely won’t go back and assist those people as they are racing to try and stay with the members amungst the current tide. best thing would be paid server transfers to wotlk, realm consolidation for those that wish to stay in tbc so they get a larger pool of members to play with that want to be in that era, and then shut down / canablize the unpopulated realms that people in tbc got migrated from.

From a money stand point, blizzard gets money from those transfering, choosing not to start fresh. they get to shut down under utilized or empty tbc servers after a realm migration, saving power costs, or if those servers were in AWS they would no longer be paying that, or they re purpose them if they are servers they actually own.

either way, there is a portion of the customer base who want to move on and force those that do not wish to move on to do so as well with the talent and gear adjustments. i wonder of those people that wish to remain in TBC until they are finished with that experience, how many would un-subscribe when wotlk is thrust upon them.

not everyones time is equal.

i have 396 days played on my druid on retail and quit early into shadowlands. Walked away to play elder scrolls online on ps5, i came back because my buddy asked me to play with him in classic.
i have little to no interest in dragon isles.

I was looking forward to gonig into naxx at 70, but i doubt that will happen. most of the people in my leveling guild in tbc don’t even know naxx is in EPL.
I am intrigued as to what blizzard will do.

I have a career and responsibilities and yet I don’t want wrath ASAP.

Delay plz. Especially since there won’t be a permanent TBC server.

Vote with your subscription. It’s the only way to make Blizzard listen. Coincidentally, OG wotlk was the end of the playerbase growth.


oh great a necrod thread lol