Delay the launch of WOTLK Classic

OP, arent you that famous hot tub twitch streamer who makes 1 mi a month?

people are still pugging running grull/mag
 you’ll be fine

You know what, I agree with OP. My guild started progging Karazhan last week and we can only play 1 hour a week. This community has turned way too hardcore for my taste and I think Blizzard should catter to Casuals.

I have a wife and 5 kids, you guys can wait for Wrath or play it on private servers, this is the only chance I have to savor TBC.

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It is honestly sad on how bad the community treats casual players. I almost feel like they are trying to get the casual players to quit at this point or at the very least give up on raiding.

I remember talking about my work life once in one of these threads and I had people telling me to quit or go back to retail.

At least seeing things here taught me one thing. Once my streaming equipment comes do not ever stream for WoW. It is not worth it from both a time perspective and a mental health perspective.

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I wonder how many people cheering for WotLK to come asap even understand that the min/max mindset that ruined TBC is going to ruin Wrath even faster. Folks are already melting heroics before even hitting 80 and ain’t no amount of buffing going to make 10/25 Naxx hard when the people they’re catering to slaughtered 40 Naxx.

Heck all signs point to them butchering WotLK-C even worse than TBC-C with all their changes.

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Absolutely not, there’s many guilds on summer break or straight up quit till wrath because SWP gear won’t even be that relevant in t7. SWP is a trash raid that won’t keep anyone busy for another couple months

Release prepatch soon as possible and get us into wrath

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SWP is the most fun raid I’ve experienced since 40man Naxx back in Vanilla. You’re just upset because you haven’t killed Muru yet but thats ok, you don’t have to blame the raid for it.

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We will see if it’s accurate soon because the first claim is on the 19th


It’s a trash raid with many classes sharing gearing sets, many of the pve items plaguing arena making it unplayable, mages farming it so they RMT the gold. TBC should have ended with BT originally

Don’t bother replying till you post on a main, you come off as just sad when you post on an alt

People can find fun in a raid from the boss fights. I don’t understand people deriving fun from gear drops. The gear is what you use to kill stuff. Why is that more fun than the actual experience of killing the boss.

I am breaking your forum rule and posting on an alt. Whatever will I do?

I know I will have a cookie.

It’s literally one of the easiest raids to gear on since bosses drop 3x tokens and there’s many 2nd/3rd best items that are just as good.

You’re a 1800 5s player it’s not like it’ll make a difference for you anyways, my guy.

Because it was a faceroll Raid? Nah man, BT was the most boring raid along with Hyjal. Like I said you’re clearly upset ur guild can’t clear SWP almost 3 months into the game which is embarassing enough but if you can’t even clear SWP then you’ll be having the same problems in Ulduar, you should work on fixing ur guild problems and getting rid of the dead weight instead of trying to rush to Wrath.

Yeah, no
 The sooner we get WoTLK the better. There’s no need to wait because there will -always- be people that are behind others. If you have less time to play, such as a job or school or other duties, just play as you want and do what you can do within the time frame you have to play, but don’t expect things to slow down to fit your needs.


Can meme all you want, the front page of the forums and almost every single PVP thread is filled with people hiding on alts. It’s become the norm and hardly anyone seeking reliable information don’t come here anymore because of it

Blizzard devs had to make a private forum with handpicked players just so they can get real insight from it’s players. That’s sad

Ironforge pro’d and warcraft logged me and still haven’t posted on anything but a forum troll character

Go back to retail forums my guy

I post on this toon because I like Alice in Wonderland and get used to it. I am not going to let you shame me into posting on another toon like I don’t let the people in GD get me to post on a retail toon.

I post on my Alice in Wondeland toon, and I like it. Period. I speak for myself and I and I will not be accused for the actions of others.

If you don’t like that I post on a toon based off of Alice in Wonderland that is your issue. It means a lot to me and I won’t stop doing it so again get used to it.

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Not helping your argument when you cite the ultimate example of a hard fight not equaling a good fight with M’uru.

SWP was made hard for the sake of hard and as such most of its fights, while difficult, are poorly designed and very forgettable. It’s a mediocre to bad raid that has been long forgotten in WoW’s history.

How do you figure?

There are few more casual friendly games than Classic WoW.

I am just ignoring you. I am hostly tired of talking with you. Oh nice they don’t let you ignore people with hidden accouts.

Right – weren’t you just talking about how it makes you sad how the community treats each other?

Anyway, best of luck doing whatever it is that you do, Alice.

One thing I learned from putting a stop to an abusive relationship is you don’t put up with the abuse. I find it absurd that you want me to continue talking with you when I don’t think it’s good for my mental health. You just want me to keep talking to you so I can be miserable and then shame me on how I am not contributing to this community. It is just passive aggressive trolling. And I use the word trolling as all you care about is making people miserable. Some other people here care more about other things, you just take pleasure in people’s suffering.

I hosntly can’t believe I will never be able to ignore you either. Who’s idea was that even. Click a check box for free abuse on the fourms?