Delay Phase 2

It does when you have a neglected cash shop on another platform. This is just the beginning of what actiblizz will do to bring people back to retail.

This is the reason why we need downvotes.


That moment when all the streamers are saying its to soon, and its the general playerbase thats bored

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Agree, delay phase 2 blizzard!

The faster phase 2 ends the sooner this complaint dies and we finally get battlegrounds. I say rush rush rush until phase 3.


Just another person whining and thinking they’re talking for some majority when in reality it’s just for themselves. Leveling zones are barren, people are content starved already. If my anecdote counts for anything it’s that people want BGs yesterday.

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A few lazy players who can’t level to 60 in nearly 3 months are not the “majority” sorry.

If anything, we need to just get to phase 3, cause my guild is getting bored.

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If I’m being honest my first reaction to the p2 announcement was that it was early. For me it has nothing to do with not having time to clear the content but more because I’m not where I want to be gear wise.

This had me thinking though - where are you guys at in terms of how long a cycle of all 6 phases should take? I always thought two or three years was the right amount but so far they seem to be on pace for less than that.

No, it wasnt at all. 2-3 hours 15 years ago hardcore? Haha. That’s a laugh. Phase 2 is happening whether your slow leveling @ss wants it or not. Just because you are taking your time “RPing” doesnt mean everyone wants to.

Im still laughing at the fact you think 2-3 hours was hardcore 15 years ago with full time jobs. Fool.


And we’re asking for a delay.

Over 10,000 responses, 65% of people with a level 60 character. I’m sorry you’re behind but a delay for the minority isn’t going to happen.

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How many Classic WoW players are there?

How many of them visit that subreddit?

Are hardcore Classic players more likely to spend time on that subreddit and take that survey?

Too bad we don’t have any official numbers for Classic players.

  • Blizzard released Dire Maul early.
  • Blizzard is releasing Phase 2 on the 14th, despite all the complaints here.
  • The survey has a large sample size of over 10,000.

Conclusion: The numbers presented in the survey are likely an accurate representation of the active playerbase.

My census data on a variety of servers confirms this. At any time of the day, I can login to a myriad of servers and the current online level 60 population will be about 40%. That’s despite most level 60’s playing alts and playing their mains far less as it takes very little time to farm dungeon gear.


Maybe they were trying to keep streamers (and their viewers) and other hardcore players engaged.

Maybe they’re on a schedule to get through the phases quickly so there’s a Classic content drought just in time for Shadowlands’ release.

On a side note, Blizzard does a lot of stuff despite players’ complaints. I wouldn’t read into it.

It’s an insignificant portion of the total Classic population and it’s not a random sample.

They surveyed a bunch of players who spend a lot of time on Classic stuff (including its subreddit) and many of them have level 60s. Big surprise.

That’s your conclusion, not mine.

I don’t know how you’re getting current online populations after Blizzard disabled it, but sure, level 60s spend a lot of time in game compared to others. They’re overrepresented in informal surveys because they’re more likely to be online when you get your numbers.

Imagine a server with 10 hardcore players who play their level 60s 24/7. There are also 120 casual players on lower level toons who only play 1 hour each day.

When you do your informal survey at some random time, you’ll see 10 level 60s and 5 lower level toons online.

Ignorance is bliss.


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As a casual who hangs out with people who aren’t raiding but might like to some day, I haven’t heard anyone voice objections to this. I have, however, heard a number of players say they wish we had bgs now.

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Based on my observations in game, the average player is still in the 40 and 50 level range. Those zones are still full of people questing and leveling up. There are a lot of 60s now, but I wouldn’t say they are the majority yet.

also the weeks of leveling since guides did not exists , neither did questie addons

ummmm no bring on phase 2. I’m about to level a second 60 and im a full time student and married and cant wait for pvp

Sadly, your wish has been granted… now we have to wait until Thursday for phase 2 :frowning: