I play enough Classic to justify my sub and it’s only 15 bucks. Solid entertainment for the money.
Classic has interesting and compelling stuff to do on a regualr basis… Rlly
Yep. Compared to the Retail game, Classic is chess compared to chutes and ladders.
I always preferred the game pre-Cata. I did like MoP because class builds were a blast, the dungeons were hilarious and the area was gorgeous. And I love my farm and my dog
Shadowland is going to have big problems if they do the unlocking of flight in previous expansions wrong.
Yea flight at max level was terrible for the game from BC through MOP wasn’t it?
It kind was since i rerember TBC very well and shatrath was full of bored 70s
Anything after this is irrelevant.
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“Time is money Friend.” Not everyone has the same time schedule.