Typical Keyboard Warrior. Seen many like you since Closed Beta 2004. Your kind comes and goes…as always.
Arguing with stupid people is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon will knock over the pieces, sh*t on the board and strut around like it has won.
Darling, 1st there are no casual or hardcore players. Just players with various amounts of time they can play
2nd if done right flying can be a great add to the game. Mobs that fly and combat in the sky. Problem solved. Blizzard has a way to prolong the time we play and players would have fun
3rd before there was pathfinder this greedy company offered flying mounts in their store. People don’t buy flying mounts with hard earned money to. Ride them around on the ground.
4th for an mmo to survive it had to adapt and change
By this OP definition anything in the game that in your mind gives a good rewards but takes time to achieve is a time gate… Ergo rep gear, profession gear, any ilvl gear, any quest before dungeons/raids etc etc… all time gates. HOW could we not see the evil of blizzard making us play the game to get stuff THOSE MONSTERS.
It is actually a symptom of both tonedeafness and a general anti-fun design ethic. The real problem with Pathfinder is that that anti-fun design ethic is held by certain leaders and will permeate everything they touch.
You can never remove flying altogether, theres a billion flying mounts. So for people to even suggest that they are dismissed as morons and have no right speaking.
They are trying to have the topic go off a tangent or lock up the topic. Just ignore it and stick to the topic at hand and all is good.
Patchfinder has been the most inconsistent “game reward” in the history of WoW. You earn it in separate pieces in and on an unknown timetable with no idea what it will have to be covered. Very poor MMORPG design patchfinder is as my old friend Yoda used to say.
Actually yeah you kinda can. All your basically losing is some asthetic costumisation in the form of the mount but it can still be used in the old zones to show it off if ya like so i guess removing it from current content would be fine
Remove either the grind or cutting me off from the grind. I truly despise rep grinding but it is a real bummer when you get rolling and find out your done for the day. I just want to get it over with so I can continue to alt.
Ironically PF was intended (in part) to do exactly this. The plan was to stave off so-called “cyclical” subs-- players who play through content then usub for 2-3 months between patches.
Actual result: more people don’t buy xpacs at all OR they buy when flight is available OR they buy, max a toon and then unsub till flight is available.