Definitely Totally Not Belated Happy Pride Month 2024 Thread

We did not completely forget to post one this year.


This thread clearly was posted on June 1, 2024.

See the date?

…Actually, don’t look at the date.

Anyway, happy gay! :rainbow_flag:

Also, PRIDE is a Movement, not just a month. :fist:


look i have been touching so much grass this month, i couldn’t start the thread.


I forgot to put it in my gay agenda, so I missed it too.


yeah. i’ve been outside. you can tell because i’m an actual shade of brown and not translucent.

i went to a pride celebration earlier this month and bought some local art. it’s fun.


I missed our big city Pride celebration this year, sadly. Luckily, there are a lot of local Prides that I was able to catch to make up for it without having to pay for parking.

I also brought out my battered Pride flag from where it was knocked off my porch about a month or two back with a sturdier flag mount and a surveillance camera. Little guy looks like I’ve dragged it through a warzone but that’s thematically appropriate with the Stonewall Riots and origin of Pride, so I keep it as a symbol.


Happy Pride!!

At work, we use Miscrosoft teams and you can create folders in groups and w/e and you can also assign them colours. We’re working on a project that has individual folders that are dated so they display in chronological order. So I have been creating a rainbow with them as more folders are made and someone finally called me out and said DID YOU DO THAT??? and I’m like YAH HAPPY PRIDE and we all laughed


A very happy Pride, from your local neighbourhood gay elf!

Happy Pride. Please be safe and stay hydrated during events this year.

I’m afraid you’ve both lost your gay liscences for failing to post the thread on time.

I refuse to.

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I’ll reroll my vulpera as a shaman.

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Okay, okay, take it easy.


Crap. Now I can’t go inside a gay bar if I get carded.

No, I refuse to stay hydrated. This is my thirstiest month of the year, and I will NOT let anyone take that away from me.


Be careful what you say! You’re going to get a Vulpera Shaman rolled!


Can men and women just be friends?
Not for we bisexuals.
For us, there is only prey.

The hunt is on


lol bruh not every bi is as thirsty as you are :rofl:

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Come on, being a Bilocoraptor is fun!

As long as you drink water, don’t let anyone stop you from getting your freak on.


So when Pride Month is over, will this thread be like the rainbow version of Spirit Halloween?