No, it turns into a Fly By Night Fireworks before being converted into Spirit Halloween.
man i hope so, i would love to buy bad halloween costumes.
This becomes a dispensary.
TBF, the only bisacksuals I know are disasters because they have too many targets and can’t focus enough to be coherent.
I keep telling them they’re bi-themselves and they keep decking me with folding chairs, its great.
Don’t hit bisexuals with chairs. We already deal with bisexual seating disorder, whacking us with a chair just confuses our disaster bi programming even more.
Current Objective: Survive
It’s June 29th, a very important day.
These days, Pride is often only thought of as colorful parades and rainbows, rainbows everywhere. Corporations pretend to give a crap one month to snag easy profits and social capital then ignore LGBTQIA+ issues the rest of the year. It all seems like a month of fun and celebration but the reality of its start is much darker.
June 29, 1969. Bars open to LGBTQIA+ were often raided by police and patrons arrested for the “crime” of being queer. One such raid at the Stonewall Inn in NYC finally sparked a series of neighborhood riots by the local gay community who finally had enough being harassed and arrested by the police. These became known as the Stonewall Riots. After several nights of unrest, residents organized into civil rights groups who laid the foundation for the Pride marches of today.
The fight isn’t over. In recent years, there’s been a rising movement within one political party eager to repeal the 2010 Supreme Court gay marriage ruling, deny healthcare to trans kids and adults, and overall make it a crime to be queer again. It’s not a crime — queer people are not new; they’ve been present in many cultures throughout history with historical LGBTQIA+ figures often erased by historians by vaguely referring to them as “lifelong bachelors/spinsters” or my personal favorite: “they were roommates.”
Before knocking Pride, know where it came from and why it’s important to be out, proud, and normalized in modern society. Queerness is normal and should be celebrated after centuries of erasure and oppression. The day we no longer need Pride Month to go as hard as it currently does is the day we achieved freedom and equality.
Also, this space will be turned into a Fly-By Night Fireworks shop tomorrow and a Spirit Halloween this Fall. Someone also mentioned a dispensary but dispensary of what? Glitter? Rainbow nipple tassels?