Defias Pillager Server lag killed hundreds of toons in minutes - SOUND OFF!

Absoltuely unacceptable. The only time there should be any form of rollbacks or character restores are the times that a server side mass dc like this occurs. Its not fair for an entire guild to get destroyed literally thousands of real life days spent on characters.


You got my lvl 31 pally “Jshrpp” killed. I have a screenshot of the server lag. I’d like my character revived please or I’m ending my subscription.

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This is absolutely not the spirit of hardcore! Blizzard you rollback or im cancelling my sub


My entire guild will unsub for this unbelievable event! Disconnects from your infrastructure issues is not a legitimate risk!

As awful as this is, your complaints fall on deaf ears. This has happened time and time again on Euro servers and blizz has made it clear they will do nothing.

Sorry for y’all RIPS o7

Didn’t lose anyone, but definitely questioning my subscription if something isn’t done to make these players whole. Part of the relationship here is that people pay for stability in a 20 year old game; when that isn’t met, action should be taken to right the wrong.


Blizzard, don’t lose your player base cause your infrastructure failed. Make it right!

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I have never posted on the forums before this. Blizzard cannot expect anyone to maintain interest in these servers if you lose your 800 hour character to a server crash. It sacrifices NOTHING special about the server to wave a wand and resurrect everyone who died within five minutes of the crash. It is tragic that the most fun version of wow for so many dedicated fans is soiled by something so easily remedied.


Nothing will happen. Nothing. How many times does Blizz have to prove to the player base they do not care? We are nobody to them. Euro has lost 100s to server crashes, not just lag.

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This is a sad day for all of us here in the hardcore community some of us have been here for a long time and some a short time but we are a tight community here. Luckily i was in Ironforge doing other things but if i was still questing like i was 2 minutes prior i would have been a statistic myself. Do whats right blizzard.


there is no risk on a boss weve had on farm for months, the server disconnected.


Blizzard you need to immediately add to your ToS / remediation rules that if an infrastructure issue on your end causes HC deaths, those characters are restored! This isn’t helping your shareholders by losing subs!

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Revive the dead Blizz make it right. DO SOMETHING


While I appreciate the sentiment of Hardcore having no traditional outs, as someone who has been playing since 2004, the Blizzard I know and love used to roleplay in support tickets on RP servers and change weather for RP events because they are unquestionably a company that listens to it’s players and is constantly going above and beyond to give a personal touch to it’s players experiences. That is what has kept me here for twenty years.

I sincerely hope, that I won’t be proven wrong the response to this crash.

Roll back the servers, keep Hardcore Alive.

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To be fair, devs said before HC launch there will never be a character restore or server rollback, even when it’s clearly their fault. The Defias Event isn’t the first time Blizz server lag/DC has killed hundreds of players: it’s happened a few times before and they never do anything about it. It’s one big reason to play with the addon instead of playing on Official where there is zero recourse.

It would be nice if we had a multi-life server with the anti-grief features of Official implemented.


Server instability for a 20 year old game, regardless of what excuses there are about infrastructure, a multi-dollar company should show they care about their players that pay a subscription and lost a character to no fault of their own.

TONS of hours lost and it is defining moments like these that could kill an entire community.

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Blizz, we all understand that technical issues can occur but show compassion for your player base before everyone starts dropping to replace your game with ELDEN RING DLC

Atleast provide some warning that SOD PTR may cause instability with the HC servers on a given day. Guilds wouldnt have raided today. Characters could have been saved. Going to cancel my sub unless something is done.


Wow blizzard, you spend millions on communications and public relations but can’t hear your player base still? Do none of you have smart phones?


Why the hell are HC and SoD players on the same infrastructure?

They shouldn’t be connected AT ALL.