Hello Sargeras! Defiant (10/10 Normal, 3/10 Heroic) is looking for more raiders for our Castle Nathria runs. We run raids on Fri/Sat 8-11PM Server (9PM-12AM Eastern). We are currently looking for Healers (Holy Pally/Resto Druid/Resto Shaman) and Melee DPS (WW Monk, Rogues, Warriors, Enh Shaman). Looking for raiders that have cleared Normal CN and looking to raid Heroic (so please be around 198+ Ilevel). Contact Ironfox, Khaoticshot, or Mistnova for more information. I can be reached at Ironfox#1698 on Battle.net.
Still recruiting for Heroic CN.
Ahhh bummer im a resto sham but im only 192 ilvl
Hit us up. We can talk.