Defiant is Recruiting for Shadowlands!

Hello Sargeras,

Defiant was founded in 2009 and was Sargeras’ first Level 25 Guild back in Cataclysm. After some down time, Defiant is back and starting a Normal/Heroic raid team.

The raid team is scheduled to run Fridays and Saturdays from 8-11 Server (9-12 Eastern). We are currently looking for Mythic+ players and PvPer. We are forming an RBG team.

I have a group of 4 players looking for this exact raid times. we are a kitty druid, resto shaman, hunter, and rogue. add Hatsubugan#1889.

Defiant was a great place to call home back in the Cataclysm days into Mists. Hopefully you managed to get rid of the rif-raf that caused Ghost and the majority of the guild to leave to form a new guild back then. Some of my fondest raiding memories happened in Defiant, I believe we even raided together when you were a Druid, Iron! Best of luck, I hope you guys make a go of it in Shadowlands!

Yep. It was a blast.

Updated for current needs.

Defiant is currently looking for Casual and PvP members. Come hang out with us.