Dedicated tank looking for guild

I have just returned from my break and wanted to put myself out there for guild recruitment. A little about me - I’m a 38y/o dad, husband, and former Army vet. I’ve been playing WoW on and off since TBC and main prot pally with prot warrior/veng dh as my primary alts. I am dedicated to the tanking role, and I am always trying to improve/figure out more efficient ways to handle an encounter. Ideally, I would like to become a main tank for a guild, but these slots seem hard to come by. I understand that most are done with Sepulcher, and not really looking for anyone at the moment, but I am looking for a more long-term home. Feel free to hit me up on the forums if I seem like a good fit for your group. Thanks for checking out the post! -Kynetik


Hey Kynetik,

I think you’d be a great fit for my guild, The Legal Bananas! We already have a few tanks getting ready for raiding (we haven’t started yet) but a lot of them have off specs, too. So, I think if you liked us & we liked you, it could really work!

The guild is new, only like 30 people so far. It’s only a month old! We are an 18+, lgbtq friendly guild. Like I said, we haven’t started raiding yet, mainly bc not everyone is ready to raid & we’re just waiting till people get a little more geared. Also, I will be going away on Sunday for 2 weeks & can’t raid where I’ll be going (cause the chair hurts my butt) lol!

Anyway, here is my recruitment spam if you wanna read a bit more:

I hope to hear from you soon! I should be available if you decide to msg me on disc, today: FluffyPanda#6738

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! :heart:

Hey Kynetik, we could be a good fit for you. We are horde, but are open to cross-faction as well. Our current main raid team has two tanks, but both are newer to tanking and who knows if they will really stick with and each new expansion brings a shuffle of everything.
We are always looking for more tanks for M+ runs.

Check out the spam below and if times line up and things sound interesting, let me know.

The Unmentionables of Hyjal (Horde) is looking for excellent players. We are specifically recruiting for our Mythic Raid Team, with a primary goal of Ahead of the Curve every tier and pushing as far as we can as a group in Mythic. Leadership team has multiple CE achievements and like to foster a fun, rewarding environment while trying to improve and push further each tier. We are open to cross faction raiders.

Current Progression: 11/11H 1/11M

Raid Days/Times:

Tuesday/Thursday 6:30pm - 9:00pm PST

Currently Recruiting: All exceptional dps with good attitudes and personality. Sorry no healing spots at this time.

About Us:

Our goals are simple: We want to push into mythic raiding as deep as we can each tier while raiding with people we like and trust.Outside of raids, we enjoy running M+ dungeons, hunting for achievements, pets and mounts. We also play other games together such as Heroes, Path of Exile, and the occasional DnD campaign.

What we offer:

  • An inclusive community where you can grow as a player.

  • A raid team where spots are given based on merit, not favoritism.

  • A transparent leadership team that encourages members to be involved.

  • A guild where you will get back as much as you put into it.

What we want:

  • Adults (18+) that can take being roasted if they make a mistake, or help dish it out when needed.

  • Players with a strong raiding background that are looking for a guild home - not just a place to play the latest raid tier.

  • Players that are social and enjoy interacting with others outside of raid times.

  • Players that want to continue to improve and push themselves to play content at the highest level even as their time to play is perhaps less than it once was due to family life, work, etc.

If you have any questions or are interested in more information, please contact us:

Discord: Cercie#2308 or r3con#4078

Oh also, if you want to find a static group for M+ pushing 20s to get portals, we have a group that could fit a tank that runs on Wednesday and Sunday evenings from 8:30pm MST to around 10:30pm MST

Good morning Kynetik! We would love to have you join our family if we look like a good fit! We could really use extra tanks for our Thursday M+ nights and a solid backup raid tank if you would be interested. This back up raid tank spot would most likely become a main tank spot for Fated Raids and 10.0. From Ashes is an alliance guild my husband and I lead on the Whisperwind/ Dentarg servers. We are a social/ casual guild with a low stress raiding environment. Most of our members are older members (most are between mid 30s - 50s) with children and full time jobs. Our goal is to have a guild that feels like a family, where our members actually care about one another and want to hang out. We are firm believers that real life comes first and that this is supposed to be something we enjoy, not a job. We raid Normal and Heroic only, on Wed/ Sun from 8p-10p cst (raiding is not required to be in the guild though!), Guild M+ night on Thurs (we need more tanks for M+ night!), have lots of off night events scheduled (in game and out), and a pretty active discord. We try to do as much as we can together as possible whether that be fun runs/ mythic dungeons/ raids/ achievements/ etc. Here is our guild spam if you want to check it out: (A) From Ashes (Whisperwind/Dentarg) Recruiting

If we sound like a good fit and you would like to chat please contact me in game or add my btag: Chelusa#1974. Good luck in your guild search.

Hey, your guild looks great but I’m not really looking for a backup slot. Best of luck to you and yours!

Hey Kynetik!

I’m Azy and my guild is looking for a new main tank (our old one would like to DPS). We are actually trialing tonight!

This is the guild recruitment post:

Thirsty Thursday!

Hey bud do you have a monk or DK that u would be willing to play we have a full time raid spot open but… im the pally tank lol we are 2/11 m tues thur 830-1130 ops#11419 hit me up if you wanna chat more

lol i do have a bdk but is horribly undergeared and im not invested in it enough to gear it xD

Hello Kynetik! I’m an army vet myself (19D)! We are a highly active, social raiding and M+ guild We are The Tainted Order (Horde Area 52) and Tainted Order (Alliance Area 52)!

We looking to fill our AOTC raid team! Key pushers are also welcome!

If you’re a new WoW player, or coming back from a break and what to be on a level playing field with the rest of your guild mates, or perhaps someone looking for something new or fresh we might be the place for you!

Here are our guild and community goals:

  • Establish a friendly community of like minded players working together to achieve goals

  • Achieve AOTC on every raid tier we can

  • Help our members push KSM for those interested

  • A place for new players/raiders to come in feel welcomed, and learn without being yelled at

We are looking to raid Fri/Sat 8-11 EST.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in stop by our discord or add one of our points of contact below for more info!

Discord: bRTxr8JYn8


Discord: Purple_86#9819 BNET: Purple86#1959

Discord: ShovelCopter#0286 BNET: ShovelCopter#1477

Discord: FussyApple#6420 BNET: FuzzyApple#1117

You are an army vet not a fomer army vet come on man we arnt the marine corp <3 pokin fun lol happy hunting man

Lol you are right xD

Hello! We’re a 2 night per week raiding guild who recently transferred our mythic team to Illidan from a low pop server cluster. We have continued to improve our raiding roster over the last two tiers and are on the cusp of becoming a CE guild. We were 9/10 M last tier raiding less than 6 hours per week until half way through.

Our raids are light-hearted and we joke around a lot because while we play this game to kill bosses, we’re gonna have a good time doing it. We value consistency, but if someone can’t make a raid night, they simply let the raid leader know beforehand and we find a replacement, no biggie as long as it’s not a common occurrence. We do have high expectations and you should be open to constructive criticism when necessary, but we build our raiders up and invest in helping each other improve. This is a great community and we’d love you to join us!

Raid Times: Tuesday and Thursday @ 6-9 PST (9-12 EST)

Currently recruiting Ranged DPS and a Main Tank for our Mythic Raid team. We are always interested in anyone who can play at a high level, but classes in high demand include: Warlock, Shaman, Mage, and Shadow priest. Additionally, we’re looking for a high level Warrior.

If you are not quite at the level for mythic raids, we also have an active m+ community and some stellar pvpers who are always looking for more people to join in the fun.

For more information, feel free reach out to Searing#7733

friend request inc

thats for disc not btag by the way

We are looking for a core tank for our late night raid team. We raid 6 hours a week and are full of 20-50+ year old players, many of which are Realm First and top US veterans.

9:30pm - 11:30pm Tues, Weds, Thurs. Monday and weekends are off night activities.


We are currently 9/11H and need a new main tank. We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30 to 10 PM EST. We do M+ as well on the off nights. If this sounds appealing, please contact me btag Darkdream#11723

[H][US][BlackwaterRaiders] 1/11 M LF Raiders

Progression: 11/11 N, 11/11 H, 1/11 M

Raid times: Tues and Thursday 8 pm-11:30 am EST with a 30min flex period after 11:30 pm for continuing boss attempts or BoE farming. We also have a JV Raid Team that runs on Wednesday and Monday nights at the same times for alts and people who don’t make the progression team.

Hello, I am the Guild Lead for The Deadmen. We are a Horde guild on BlackwaterRaiders (in the US).

Our guild is the largest and most active on our server, and now we are looking to take the title of the best progression-wise as well and get some realm firsts. Our guild has some seriously talented PvPers and Mythic+ runners. We have people cranking out keys all week and pushing keys from the mid teens to the low 20s.

We are seeking friendly, capable players interested in completing mythic content and who like to spend time with their guildies. Our goal is to be the top guild on our server for progression AND community. We also strive to maintain a competitive and fun environment.

Our guild is also no stranger to army vets or currently active members. In fact, we’ve had multiple vets/currently serving members of our military as officers before in the past.

Please message me on discord if you are interested: TheGantaGun#3912
Battle Tag: TheGantaGun#1518

Abomination - Area 52 is an AOTC focused guild. We started as a reroll guild back in December 2021. Everyone any level any class is welcome to join us!

We have decided to partake in cross faction raiding. We have both a horde and an alliance guild set up on Area 52. All factions are welcome!

Diablo Immortal
Our raid days are Thursday and Friday 7:30pm EST - 10:30pm EST.
Our current progress is 10/11N & 10/11H & 1/11M in SotFO. In SoD our progress was 10/10N 10/10H 1/10M. Our goal is to hit heroic at a reasonable pace, achieve AOTC every tier and possibly more. Repairs, flasks, feasts, armor kits, and weapon oils will all provided for each raid when appropriate.

Forgot to Flask
This is our second and new raid team we are starting up! We are still building the roster for it and have space for all roles currently. Our raid days will be Sunday and Monday 7pm EST -10pm EST. As soon as we have some more of the roster fleshed out it will start raiding!

If you are not interested in raiding we have people running keys every day. Whether you are doing a +2 or +22 there are people here that will do it with you. :slight_smile:

So if you are interested in joining us, having some fun, and making new friends or have some questions feel free to join us in discord: