Dec 12th forum post predictions

Only since battle ground timers were implemented. Long gone are the game of old where with the wrong players leaving allowing the right players in, that would actually go and fight for the win.

The kinds of people who want to play organized PvP for the sake of organized PvP don’t do it 15 hours a day. The kinds of people who are farming honor do and will.

Sure, you’ll have a tiny minority of the population who will play a couple games a day just to annoy the other faction, but they are the exception.

As I said before, the standard playbook for a premade in WSG is to rush midfield to engage the enemy team, once wiping the enemy team at midfield they move up to hold the enemy GY while their druid runs the flag. If the opposing team engages them at midfield they can get their kills while still winning the game in 5 minutes.

Letting the game last longer so you can camp the GY “indefinitely” will never happen for any premade whose goal is honor.

And in AV, depending on how honor is awarded, either the goal will be to rush Drek/Vann and ignore all towers, or get quick caps on all four north towers and kill all captains/lieutenants and kill Drek/Vann right as the fourth tower caps.

The real question is whether it is “worth it” for the premade to play defense. From my experience it is never worth it for a premade to play defense, except possibly to demoralize the opposing team if they are defending too heavily.

And keep in mind that AV is not a group queue and horde won’t have instant AV queues. So most AV “premades” will barely be more than half a premade for horde. Though it makes me wonder whether they will allow “fishing” for queues where you continuously drop your queue and requeue to get everyone into the same game.

Killing each player 4 times is more important. Capping the last flag after that is ideal. The amount of honor for winning isn’t high but its not diminished which is the important part.

I prefer the 2nd option while farming the hell out of FW GY (while not capping it). But hey, we can’t always get what we want.

It’s depends on the premade. It might sound crazy but most premades aren’t pushing R14. Just like most people in the open world, they just want to spend the day destroying people. And if that means keeping people dead in WSG and AV for hours at a time, that’s what it will be.


A win of WSG, including marks of honor, is worth about 1800 honor. If 10 players killed the other 10 players four times., they would only get 200 + 150 + 100 + 50 = 500 honor.

And half that honor would be gotten in the first midfield engagement, or at the GY within the 5 minutes it takes the druid to cap the flags.

If you spend even two minutes camping the GY before a win you’re an idiot.

In retail, where there’s a time limit, sure.

Retail mentality.

But what about those other strats.

The Defence stat. No one leaves the flag room at the start and wipes the other premade, causing them to lose buffs/momentium. It creates confusion.

The Offence stat. 10 man ZERG - kill andthing and everything that moves. The GY Defence - get the enemy flag to your gy and hold out as long as possible.

Balanced offence and defence team. Get a tank to hold flag with 3 players and send the rest to target efc.

The EGY strat. Send 2 rogues to keep enemy healers on lockdown - push them into the gy but dont let them leave the area and/or get a heal off.

It does sound crazy because it is crazy. I think you’re trying to compare the absolute number of people queueing with their friends vs the total number of games played a day.

Sure friends might get together and play a game just because they enjoy PvP, but they are only going to play an hour or two, a couple times a week. The people farming honor will be doing that from the time they wake up till the time they go to sleep, every day of the week.

On the pservers, there were only a couple hundred players out of thousands who played in premades. But they played 75% of the games.

Remember the premade that made R14 just by quing and losing for marks to turn in? It became faster to die once and not rez at all meaning the opposing teams would 3 cap faster, and they wouldnt stick around for zero kills.

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1386, not 1800.

That’s cute that you think your matchups will always be against 10 scouts.

Also kinda silly we aren’t going off 1.12 rules for honor diminish. Then again it hasn’t been confirmed or deconfirmed that we will be using the 1.12 system when phase 2 ends.

I would like you to read what this man has to say…

As you pointed out, winning isn’t necessarily the best way to get honor. Premades want a fast game whether they win or lose. They prefer to win of course, but a quick loss is better than a slow win.

Oooo forgot about this. No time limit… tank can sit at GY with team ressing right there. No flag stacks.

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My guild raids 2-3 nights a week, has, 2 full raid teams. We mostly have gear from 5/10 mans and basically run them for fun/gold and the rest is raid gear. Most of those players play every single night and we cant wait to run premade bg’s together - not for max honor and server first R14 - but for fun. We dont want to play in pugs. We already have class/team comps sorted. (Warriors with WF /love)

This is going to be more than just a few games. This is gong to have dedicated nights for it. Especially for those who raid in one spec and pvp in another.

It is 1386 not including the Warsong Gulch Marks of honor, which give an additional 398 honor when you turn them in. The total honor for winning WSG is ~1800 honor.

Zero reason to dodge free wins.

Occasionally a few reasons to snipe specific teams but no reason to dodge beatable teams. Only thing you would dodge is a guaranteed loss.

I’ve been playing this game a long time and premades doing anything but honor farming is rare. But yes it is always done by guildies and not by rankers.

I believe you’ll do it a few times but you’ll end up getting split between the people who love it, the people who decided they want to rank instead, and the people who will get bored and decide they want to do something else.

But my point still stands, there will be far more people trying to rank than trying to be annoying, and they’ll play far more games a day.

Rank 14’s are worth twice as much honor as a rank 1, so even if the opposing factions were all rank 14’s, that would still only be half as much honor as a win.

And if you’re a premade going up against pugs, their average rank will probably be about 5, which isn’t much more honor than rank 1’s.

You better believe im one of the ones that will be organising it. Catering to both rankers and those that want casual organised bg’s. The thing you need to understand is that the majority of players want to do bg’s with others that will listen and work as a team.

This is what is missing from every single pug i have been apart of for the last 14 years - teamwork. They are filled with the solo player just there to kill other players.

I don’t doubt your sincerity, but there is a conflict of interest.

Basically, if rankers played your way, their honor-per-hour would be cut in half. If their honor-per-hour is cut in half, that means they have to play twice as much.

Now, if the time difference was small, say between pvp’ing 5 hours a week and 10 hours a week, you might still get a lot of people to play your way. But if the time difference is between 50 hours a week and 100 hours a week, there is just no way.

One of the problems with the vanilla honor system is, if you are actually trying to compete for the top brackets, you cannot PvP for fun, it is a 60 to 80 hour a week job that lasts about three months, and you cannot go on vacation or even miss a day of work or you might as well quit.

The people in your premade might get their blue PvP set, but none of them will ever get R12-R14 playing your way.

That doesn’t make me happy. I wish PvP’ers had a reason to actually PvP. I would much rather long competitive games were worth it. But they’re not.

They’ve had rbgs on retail if you wanted to organize teams filled with teamwork.