Dec 12th forum post predictions

As an alliance player, I plan to queue for battle grounds three times a month.

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It is a known fact if the Horde ques are too long (anything over 10 mins) it is more HPH (honor per hour) to get in a WSG and camp the GY until you have had your fill, and this ladies and gentlemen will seem worse than camping DM 24/7 because the answer for the Alliance will be “afk out” leading to upset alliance (obviously) AND upset Horde due to less alliance in que (due to debuff). A snow ball effect as it were.

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:joy::joy::rofl::rofl: this complaint will for sure happen.

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If the GY camping is relentless, players will AFK out or stay in ghost form. You can’t get HKs if the other team doesn’t rez.

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Would also add the “Chicken” effect where two premades are scouting LOL.

Also if a premade enters and the opponents queue dodge, that premade gets a free pug to enter the BG. I swear, people are using 2005 logic when they should just be using logic.


Blizzard has never taken actions against a player for leaving a bg q.

Win trading is abusing the system and actionable, quing into a bg as an organised group is not.

From memory the only way to leave a battle ground and not have deserter, was to join another bg. Patch 1.11 - PvP

  • Players can no longer queue up other players with the deserter debuff for a battleground by forming a raid and having the leader in a different subgroup, and joining as a group.
  1. you actually want them to AFK out after enough deaths due to Honor DR

  2. the opportunity cost of waiting out the alliance patience to stay dead in the GY is very low for the Horde PvP player base.

If your plan is to stay dead at the GY as Alliance to “stick it to the Horde” your going to quickly find out why they are camping the GYs to begin with and why they dont want the game to actually end. Again its a matter of opportunity cost and its simply going to be overwhelmingly in the Horde favour to wait you out.

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I fight mid on principle.


People have done it against some teams doing it in arena.

Premades are fine and I never argued against premades. It’s the action of a premade to NOT join a game they’ve queued into because a scout has seen a premade on the other side /facepalm

And the entire point is that the scout is the one joining the queue pop and telling the rest of the group whether or not to join. The queue dodge involves the rest of the group not joining, thus avoiding the deserter check entirely. If you choose not to join, you don’t get deserter. Deserter is for people who join the game then leave.

I’m on the side that believes people are gonna have to fight premades because they aren’t gonna have free reign to dodge as they think they did in 2005. Additionally, I look forward to camping these cowardly horde premades at their GYs so long that they go back to world pvp for honor per hour.

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The only thing on your list that might cause people to quit the game is premades. Everything else is either BS or a minor inconvenience.

Yes people will complain about anything, but there is a difference between an annoyance and something that makes the game unplayable.

Dying 10-20 times on your way to BRD, and being ganked and corpse-camped any time you try to do anything in the game has caused many people to quit the game, and many more will quit the game long before December 10th.

Phase 2 is terrible. Blizzard needs to release BG’s now.

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Just keep in mind that premades will be a bigger problem for non-premades than you think. There will be groups farming GYs in WSG and AV indefinitely since there are no reinforcements in AV or timers for WSG.

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The arena bans were about win trading. Companies selling an arena rating for rl money. The way this happened was those teams would join and ‘look’ for the ‘losing team’.

Never have i see anyone get banned for leaving a q, to accept and join another bg to win. They get banned leaving que’s as the losing side for win trading.

The only reason premades exist is to farm honor as quickly as possible. And the fastest honor comes from fast games. I’ve played against and I’ve been a part of plenty of premades, they will not camp anything indefinitely because that is terrible honor.

In WSG they will rush midfield and up to the GY but only while their druid is running the flags. The games will last about 5 minutes. And in AV they’ll rush Drek/Vann, and they won’t even defend unless their rush gets slowed/stopped.

But that assumes that Blizzard will actually allow full premades in the first place, which seems unlikely. On retail I think it is 5-man max, but I think in TBC it was 3-man max. And on the pservers it was 4-man max.

The reason why its contentious? MOST cases just being in a premade is auto win. Most pugs are demoralized and play like garbage or leave the game before it starts creating a serious disadvantage no matter how bad the premade is.

This method of queue dodging avoids the established BG deserter system similar to how safespotting avoided the established neutral guard system.

You don’t need anyone on the other faction to dodge games. You can see all the enemies as soon as you enter the match. So you just have a scout on your side take the pop by himself, then decide whether or not everyone else should follow. You can also double queue, take the 1st prompt, then simply dump for the 2nd if you don’t want to stay. If both pop at the same time, you pick 1, drop the 2nd, requeue it, take the 1st, then again, can decide after entering IF you want to move or not. The boxes sits there on your screen for like 1-2 whole minutes.

None of this is an exploit. The game ALLOWS you to do it.


I don’t think that goal is good for the long-term health of the game.

It’s a pretty standard tactic to stay in ghost form if the other team is GY farming your team.

horde post , i dont believe a single word

Unfortunately, players circumvent that limit on retail.

Some players enjoy the aspect of organised battlegrounds and will enjoy going up against another premade. Honor per hour and steamrolling only pugs is more for the min/max crew.

Kinda. HKs actually give nice honor.

Unless you have a strong Prot Warrior + Holy Paladin combo (Alliance) or Prot Warrior + Hunter strat (Horde), your premade isn’t going to farm AV very quickly.

EVEN THEN…this method of skipping for finishing is not good.

Killing the AV general is equal to 4 hks (+1 for winning)
Holiday matches are much more important giving 2 hks for winning and 8 more hks for participating.

All of these “HKs for objectives” are only scored as rank 1 but also aren’t subject to diminishing returns (obviously).

WSG gives 7 HKs worth of honor.

So I’m gonna ask you, what is better? Farming at the GY before winning? or farming fast wins?

This GY farming strat for AV also has people completing objectives which gives everyone additional full HKs worth of honor also. The GY farming strat for WSG involves holding the last flag and capping it once the kill honor has diminished.