Debunking the "Anti-RDF" arguments!

Unsubbing because of no RDF is silly. I just won’t do any dungeons while leveling because it won’t be casual-friendly, I also will probably do significantly fewer dungeons at max level, which will cause me to fall behind.

Its not false at all.

Raids are another reason people are social because it is still grouped content. I didnt say yhe only reason people are social i said one of the primary reasons. Which is true.

Glad rdf paired you with people on your realm (by chance) so you could play with them. Or you payed to transfer. Or started over. But most rdf grouos dont even say a single word to eachother now in retail. Because rdf allows and indurectky encourages that type of behavior.

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I did not know you could join for Naxx through the RDF. I did not know you could kill a group mob that is impossible to solo through the RDF. I didn’t even know you can level with a friend in Westfall through RDF.

If the tool was so bad for you, then why bother trying to limit others who want it in for Wrath Classic?

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No, its literally false. Claiming otherwise just makes you a liar or ignorant. RDF is no different than any other form of making parties except its more convenient and less stressful and removes the control from gatekeepers.


Read some of the things some of these anti-RDF people claim RDF can do. You’d think that queueing up for RDF was a teleport anywhere skill that autokilled mobs and rained down BiS epics on you.

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You dont have to spam LFG there is a tool already in place that you just sign up. PPl will whisper you or you can see who is looking for your role and whipser them.

“people will whisper you” lol no they won’t. If you’re not spamming in the chat good luck.

I dont spam in the chat and i get invited. its not hard.

Yeah, I seen those comments. They just don’t have a leg to stand on…

At 3.25am. On Remulos.

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Sure you do bud.

Don’t come in here sharing your experience and perspective and think we will just accept it. There exist only 1 opinion when it comes to RDF.

Also, on a more personal note, I don’t like olives, and obviously, because of that, anyone who does like olives is either trolling, lying or being absolutely ignorant on what good food is and should not emit an opinion about it.

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They aren’t facts. They are like…your opinion man…

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Actually, I think Blizzard should add something to make it easily detect alts on the forums. Bet anyone have of the Anti-RDF is just a couple of people on different alts.

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Use to be a site that did that.

Of course! It’s impossible people would have an opinion that is different then yours.

High five bro.

I’m glad you’re not one of those prone to excessive displays of theatrics :wink:

I think that you’ll find, through the course of leveling and gearing at end-game, that finding a dungeon is still pretty casual friendly. I will in no way claim that it will be as easy or convenient as RDF, but the LFG tool experience has been a bit smoother than LFG BB for me, and I never really had trouble finding dungeon groups (as an under-geared feral dps, at that) throughout TBC on a mid-pop server.

Taking an approach of “let’s just see how this goes” is absolutely reasonable though. Just not common.

At launch, it is going to be ridiculously easy since I will already be in the zones. My biggest concern with no RDF is that I would like to level some new toons to max level in WOTLK. Heirlooms made it easier than ever. Classic content will be dead, and with no RDF my alt will not get to enjoy any of those dungeons. Running dungeons has always been a nice break from questing and has always helped prevent burnout. I can sit in a capital and spam chats for groups, i’ve been doing it this whole time. I just wish it could be enabled up until max level.

you can still browse LFG when you’re already in a group. you can leave your LFG group without getting a deserter debuff. both these means the bar for people flaking out is practically nothing.

It should say WHAT the group is for when you click the invite instead of every person who joins having to ask “hey so what dungeon did we just join?”

I have to tell LFG that no actually holy is not my DPS spec. I end up in groups with two “healers” regularly.

Those are some of the obvious errors with LFG.

Ok and the big thing is look at it right now. There’s gonna be like three groups that are close to full and then there’s going to be like 30 just single people who are down for ANYTHING. They are the reason for RDFs existence. Instead we have the system that’s like where do you want to eat, oh I don’t care wherever you want to eat, no you say first, no you.

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I think this is a valid concern for sure, especially because the level range increases not everybody levels alts. RDF is certainly a solution to this, but a lot of us just don’t think it’s the right solution for Classic. Having said that, I think there are a few mitigating factors…

  • Heirlooms mean that people will be more likely to level alts. Dungeons quests pop up and do tend to feed people into them. If people are leveling alts, a portion of them will want to do dungeons. It’s reasonable to expect that you will find a group, but whether or not it will be with the same frequency you could find them with RDF remains to be seen.
  • You can still go on about your questing life while looking for a group. You could always do this, it was just hard to keep an eye on the LFG chat channel while doing so. LFG helps with this a bit. If you list your own group, you can carry on questing and just keep an eye on it. Not as convenient as RDF, but still smoother than text chat.
  • WotLK is popular as heck. A lot of people are stoked to come back for the content. I think the time we have for an active leveling crowd is longer than people realize. I would be very curious to see engagement metrics between Classic and Retail (adjusted to key time frames) haha. My point is though, I think there’s going to be a lot of folks to level with for a while, but obviously I can’t know that for sure.

We will have to see how it turns out.

Right on the money with every single point.