Debunking the "Anti-RDF" arguments!

Get over rdf not being in the game??

The current tool is trash, RDF is superior in every conceivable way. So no thanks


Thats not the argument. The argument is rdf removes one of the primary reasons people are social. The fact it helps you get to know people to do grouped content. Removing that need removes one of the reasons people are social. The people crying for rdf are people who have trouble with making social connections in this game and in turn making grouping easy.

“LFM Ramps Need Tank” is not getting to know people to do group content.
“Summon please” is not getting to know people to do group content.

As I said, you have the choice on whether you choose to be social while doing the content or ignore the chat completely. If you chose to ignore the chat, then that is your own fault.


You’re not debunking Anti-RDF arguments. You’re dismissing them. You’re just invalidating them based on your own thoughts and opinions.


This is the audience classic was built for, though. The point of classic was to relive the classic experience.

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I remember youtube being around back then.

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If Blizzard actually offered a classic experience, I’d agree with you. This is not classic, and never was. There are too many changes to list, and it all began with allowing mega servers.


Watching someone do something wasn’t the same, and if people really used YouTube for THAT back in 09 that’s pretty ridiculous.

You’re probably one of the reasons Twitch, my most hated “platform”, became a thing

LFR is the same difficulty and gear level as dungeons.

What difference do you see? If anything, it’s almost the exact same, merely a longer dungeon.

RDF helps me get to know people. Without RDF I would have quit WoW for the second half of WOTLK after my raiding guild split up after ICC. I found a new guild through RDF and made great friends who I still talk to today 12 years later. RDF “removes one of the primary reasons people are social” is such a copout and false claim. People aren’t social because they don’t want to be social and no system will change that.


I absolutely watched WoW content on youtube back then. In between my viewings of star wars kid, sneezing panda, and headshot montages by OGRE1 and OGRE2.

Heavy emphasis on experience, which I think a lot of folks forget. I do understand why people are upset at RDF’s exclusion, but to be completely honest, I’m surprised that so many people are balancing the entirety of WotLK on the single balancing point of RDF. I suspect there’s a lot of hyperbole involved here because it’s human nature and all, but still, it’s more dramatic than I would have expected. I mean, I don’t want RDF, but if they added it to the game I would just be disappointed. I wouldn’t threaten to unsub or anything.

Still, I’ve mentioned this a few times around these forums. Google “modern warfare 2 steam boycott group” and look at the first few images that come up. This is what I expect WotLK will be like. A lot of folks threatening to unsub who will certainly be playing WotLK on launch day, with or without RDF.

What is the classic experience when it doesn’t even feel like the days of when it was actually current? I played Wrath when it was current, I’m playing Wrath now through Classic, it is too different to the original wrath.

Plus, when did the classic experience mean boost were ok but RDF wasn’t, considering RDF was introduced in Wrath.


No we have no trouble spamming LFM, what we have a problem with is you bunch of no lifers trying to force us to interact with you. We have friends in guild, we have friends outside of the game, my social connection with the world is not via this game, I have no interest in being friends with 1000 random strangers on the internet, there is zero way to have a fulfilling or real friendship over a video game. The actual connection to friendships is entirely absent. I’m not having you over for a BBQ, I’m not going over to your house for a party, we don’t get together on a double date with our wives. Your just a random internet stranger, the sad part is you feel the need to have wow be your social interaction, that likely stems from the fact that you have no outside friends for whatever reason and no social interaction outside of the game.


Its not superior. I can que as a tank while being a 2hand arms warrior. Boot me thats fine then you have to wait for a tank to come in and hope its an actual tank

Back when i quit WOW the first time (Cata relase) i left for a few reasons. the game seemed far less social then it had once been. (During the time of BC/Launch). the whole reason i quit was the game going to hell. A large part of the issue was the lack of communication that was going on while wnating to run some quests that were group content.

You chose to be social or not. And chosing not to be social has consequences of making grouoing harder in the long run because you choose not to make social connections.

“Lfm for X” or “summon please” is still more social than what rdf encourages though. Im not saying that is the peak of social interactions, but it is a starting point.

And once RDF was introduced, people stopped making groups with people they meet out in the wild.

The current LFG tool is great. See what’s posted, send a nice whisper to the leader asking for an invite and then join the group. It just requires a small amount of communication. It’s a very small barrier that improves player-to-player social interaction.

Anything that promotes people actually talking to each other is a great thing.

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You need to know the difference between being social and spamming the LookForGroup channel.