Debunking the "Anti-RDF" arguments!

More like “I don’t like Olives, so nobody is allowed to have them.”

I said it before and I’ll say it now. All of these rabid anti-RDFers who claim its so bad and that they hate it would be using it on day one if its added. They are lying to themselves. They know its a superior system and will use it when available.


No it doesn’t work “fine” if you are on a rather low pop server, and you want to do dungeons while leveling 15-70 all it does is divide people all over since most people only want to do 1 or 2 specific dungeons and what happen is you see like 10 different people wanting to do 5 different dungeons and so for many of them they will never do their dungeons since they out level them, the only way is to spam LFG/Trade chat to potentially get a group going, but they shouldn’t have to do that if the tool truly was working fine.

They have to spam chat like in Vanilla or TBC even with this tool since it seem only a small amount of people actually use the tool period, there is zones with 20-30 people and only like 3 of them are actually using the tool to do the zones dungeons, if RDF was a thing I’m sure most of them would use the tool to do random dungeon.

If RDF was in then all of them would eventually do their dungeons since far more people would Q for random dungeons while questing and those who want to do specific dungeon would be put in a group eventually.

Do you think RDF is gonna conjure up players on the server that otherwise would not exist?

Lots of ppl dont realize rdf does not equal instant ques.

Nobody thinks RDF is insta queue. What RDF offers is the ability to play the game while queued up rather than having to babysit the LFG tool and spam chat in cities to be available for gear checks.


Ok then i cant get over the constant rdf spam threads.

Most people will clear 25 naxx fairly quickly, get your tier and log out until Ulduar and just spend the rest of your time raid logging like usual and RDF will play no factor in that unless you have an alt. If you do play an alt you will spend a week doing dungeons again with or without RDF, get your Naxx tier and log out on that character until Ulduar and won’t be affected by it either way.

“It will affect the game!” Insert (Negative/Positive) BS here

Clears the current tier because it’s all been done before and all the content is fairly brain dead because it has all been done before. You’ll try to get those shiny 90%+ on warcraftlogs and speed run this extremely easy old content like every previous classic since this may be tuned up slightly but even the private servers mega-tune it since it all has been done before.

After you have your 10m or 25m tier you may mess around for mounts but your guild will like die a bit. Your server will start to massively thin out because all progression is done in literally a day.

You will sit there thinking about possible making a 5th or a 6th alt or just take a break since your guild chat has died. Maybe some of your buddies are on retail or Lost Ark and you will go find something else to do.

In all this… your conclusion won’t be “X happened because Y” X being the thinning of the population and Y being RDF or Not-RDF. Y will likely be, “Well, I have my tier since the content was pretty easy and the arena season is closing in not too long. Maybe I will mess around on another game for a bit.”

I havet seen one thing posted about gear checks unless your running sunwell. I post in LFG go mining. Fill the group instantly unless waiitng for healer. The lfg tools is awesome those of us who are willing to make groups.

Then keep using it :+1:

You don’t have to use RDF if/when it’s added to the game.


Yep. they lit this fire with bg anywhere. Great stuff. My paladin doesn’t stare at a battle master all night long. Smith and and mining near or at 100 in jsut a bit of time. She’d still be 0 if I had to hang out by the masters.

I take her on loops for mining now. And to sell the community aspect…I helped a few people out. a few low levels would have died if I was not there lol.

Same thing I did in retail. LFD’d for my callings, doing legion rep grinds for goals while waiting, helping the levelers hammer out incursions for xp.

Thanks for false flagging, can’t wait to see my post restored.

But when the tanks and healers use LFG bc its literally that easy… wont you be here crying about dps ques?

Tanks and healers will be using RFD like everybody else. All the people claiming they hate RDF and that it sucks will be the first ones using RDF if its actually added. Its a fact.

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You think tank and healers are gonna pass up oppurtunity to make there own groups to ensure no competition on gear rolls??? Lol get real

Yes actually, more than likely. It is a Dungeon. You’re not going to get your Best-in-Slot from a Normal or Heroic Wrath Dungeon, especially when raids actually do drop the better loot.

So you dont know what pre raid BiS is… thanks

Let me know you only play retail with out telling me you only play retail.

You mean the same thing from Wrath into Cata into MoP etc. Just do Heroic Dungeons to be able to do atleast somewhat decent damage in raids?

You do know what BiS actually stands for, don’t you?

PRE RAID BiS comes from heroic dungeons…

That be till heroic plus comes into the game.

then it will be like retail. they lfg their mythics, lfd the heroic daily for calling. they jsut want the daily. LFD is faster for that.

also in leveling is where this would be of more value. tanks are less picky here. and a draenei tank would be in RDF. they can story quests in bloodmyst, get their dungeons. Win win. They have to leave all this behind to see mines than stocks currently.