What the actual hell is that? Never once have I seen this.
Pre-Raid gear comes from Heroic Dungeons. None of it will even be classed as BiS as it all just gets replaced. Mind you, the other methods to gearing up for raids also outside of doing dungeons too…
I mean I guess only someone like you would do something like that. Personally, I don’t remember ever experiencing such a thing.
Anyways, there’s this feature about RDF, which I guess you don’t know, where you can teleport out of the instance and, go do other things while you wait for someone to get replaced. Then you can click onto “teleport to instance” and, you get teleported back in the instance. Just like that. So, yeah RDF is far superior.
It can happen, but since everything is in a nerf state, everything is just basically a faceroll anyways.
except thats not how it pans out, during the lulls in TBC if RDF had been around I’d have been farming badges like crazy, same thing for Wrath, in 3.3 epic gems get added for badges, and quite frankly I want a massive supply of badges, which now won’t happen.
RDF meant bored people just did dungeons back to back for badges, enchanting mats, and gold
It happened all the time. And its not about being stuck in the instance its about ppl abusing the system.
No it proves his/hers for literally trolling with nothing of substance to say. You don’t like rdf fine but instead of constructive criticism and points on why xyz you disagree, you just sum everything up to whining and complaining when in fact it’s you that is whining.
No, it didn’t. Like I said, I personally never experienced this during original Wrath. But if you claimed you have, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. But I feel fairly confident saying that it was not as widespread as you claim it to have been because again, I didn’t experience this.
Inconsiderate people always abuse good things, while disregarding the negative effects of their actions on others. This does not mean we shouldn’t have good things. This being said, if you believe it is such a problem, then it can easily be fixed by automatically switching and locking people in the specialization(role) they queued when they get teleported in an instance.
OP was clearly onto something. Was silenced by the mob. Pretty sad how these things work on this forum. After like 7 days it will pop back ungrayed out when it gets reviewed.
The majority of endgame content for FF14 is done through a browser more similar to what retail has and what they added to classic.
their roulette system is for dailies and such, the dungeons don’t give much exp after you’ve run that roulette once so spamming them isn’t optimal. People are often chatty as well.
Also what do you mean it’s like a single player game? MSQ maybe but the population itself has so much going on social wise that its crazy. There are player ran casinos, dance clubs, gatherings, etc.
Thank you mods for restoring the OP, though I wish there was actual punishment for falsely flagging a post, considering it seems to be the way people abuse it as to a “downvote”
Bruh that’s all the game is, Second Life 2.0
Meanwhile you say that you want an something that easily make groups but you reject the one that suppose to get to into dungeons easier and the other compromises we have offered.
Compromises like RDF being only choosing pool of players based off your server, teleportation removed or a gradual rollout of RDF as Wrath progresses (like in pre-patch and phase 1 you could only queue for Classic dungeons and Burning Crusade dungeons and you would still have to manually form Wrath normals and heroics) or how could we improve the current LFG system to where this RDF debate is finally put to rest.
The #NoChanges crowd was REAL loud right up until changes started happening that they liked. What happened to the Slippery Slope? Are we not allowed to have a game that we enjoy, too? Can we not just get wrath as it was and y’all can have your #NoChange Vanilla? idk man.
We don’t want the LFG system because it doesn’t work outside of Peak hours. The RDF does.
The LFG system also straight up doesn’t work on dead servers. If you’re not on one of the handful of mega servers on the highpop faction you just don’t get to play because the Classic CoMmUnItY decided to flock to them.
Lol people actually writing essays because pasting “Lf 2m for Dungeon X” a few times is too hard
Cross-realm BGs.
Next: cross-realm RDF.
Please Blizzard! Thank you!
100% of all of the arguments you’ve listed are identical to the arguments people use against multiboxers and as you’ve indicated are false.
Actually, you know what? I find it funny you come here to claim it all “100% false” without providing anything to why they are false.
How is it access to everything easy. It just finds the group for you and puts you there, you already had the acress. It skips about 30 minutes of you staring at text hoping someone searches for what you’re searching for.