please disable this before launch. Death=Delete.
I agree. make it a more emotional affair.
It will be plenty emotional with you guys crying about it
Crying? Nah. I just think it would be cooler to not let transfers happen. Kind of weird that you get so emotional at just the mention of it though.
Having an opinion=Crying??
LAME! Please disable this attitude before launch. Opinion=Passion
I agree.
Nothing stopping you from deleting.
Nothing stops me from deleting on a regular server either?
Well, there we have it!
gee thanks
Another “I don’t like the way other players play their sub” thread
Blizz realizes people will actually tryhard on HC if they know they’ll still be able to play their char on a regular server after.
What? Play whatever you want. Play whatever mode or expansion you want. I’m just dissappinted if the HC server will be death=transfer. If they release one server with death=transfer and one with death=delete I dont care. But I want one with death=delete. Other people can play whatever mode they like.
Transfer to a NON HC realm. Get your panties out of a knot, man…
It takes away all the risk
Only in your mind. What about time invested, especially for those who make 60 and have geared up. Call it a bonus, IF you make it.
Its not only me, but why is it important for you to be able to transfer on death? Thats the question.
ITT: Some people wanting to relish over people having to delete their characters but are unable to because they can transfer.
Some of ya’ll need therapy.
Then don’t transfer, problem solved.
I am not playing HC, so once again, untie those panties! Go get waxed, mow the yard, get some sunlight, climb out of ma and pa’s basement!
I just want a death=delete server because thats cool? Damn whatsup with the sourness