Deathknights need a rework

Doubt your credentials regarding ideas.



You think everything is op

And I’m dumbfounded that you can’t even say “dumbfounding.”

Wrath DK defenders are a special breed.

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Ill never abandon this class

But yea, they could use some reworks

I like the frost drake/wyrm stuff for frost, unholy needs to go deeper into diseases/insects cuz those were a big thing about DKs

Blood just needs a whole redo, it works, but yea…

They appear to be trying to fix unholy at least. Idk how well it will go, but they’re increasing consistency and reducing burst

Dks have gotten weird since their rework in Legion. Way less utility/ccs (losing a decent amount of passive movement speed with unholy pres gone). Sure you could argue that attacking their “hero” kit was due.

Removing the different color rune system made them way more spammy which meant that their abilities are way less powerful as they spam them more.

I kinda wish at minimum deathgrip would go back off gcd.

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It’s just not great right now. Not from a performance perspective, but from a general enjoyability/gameplay freshness perspective. It’s stale as hell. Unholy at least has somewhat changed in a few ways since Legion, but a lot of that was cooldown reductions/condensing of abilities. Frost is more or less the exact damned same as it was in Legion, plus or minus a couple of abilities. Blood is probably the best spec of the three but has issues with consistency of design intent and execution.

I dont play the game but casually, so I cant speak to ‘performance’ in any regard.
I just know I love how it plays and ‘rework’ to Ion means “trash it to all hell so no one who is playing it will like it anymore”. lol

I JUST got into playing DK. I really dont want to have to give it up because Ion takes a dump all over it now.

The problem is that it’s slowly descended into “oh, that’s the class somebody else plays” for most of the playerbase. Its playerbase is consistently diminishing, even in circumstances where it’s “meta” or upper tier. It just hasn’t changed in a long time, and the systems of DK as a whole have sort of stagnated.

I’d rather they take a dump on it so I know they don’t want me to play it, as opposed to leaving it in this weird halfway state where it’s playable but unchanging and uninteresting. This is coming from a constantly disappointed DK main that keeps coming back for the punishment.

I really love playing Unholy right now, but I can see why everyone says it’s clunky. BDK just feels like it’s missing something, and frost idek I don’t play that.

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I’ve been having fun with a DK mod somebody made in BG3. I recommend it.

What aspect of it is enjoyable though, genuinely? For frost, like 200k~ oblit crits are fun but that’s only when you have all your stuff lining up, otherwise everything hits like a limp noodle. The only ability you really care about is oblit. And having to rely on DnD when it is on the GCD is abysmal. Good luck cleaving anything when you’re constantly having to move out of DnD because of the ten googolplex ground effects that are up at any given time in this game.

Unholy? Having to press like 4 different CDs to get all your stuff rolling isn’t fun either. Suffers from the same kinda problem where outside of burst windows, nothing feels impactful. Epidemic feels really bad to press unless there’s like 20 enemies on screen.

Blood? Very difficult to get into owing to its extreme spikiness.

honestly i dont think alot of people are happy with the state of their classes, and im really not enjoying shaman lately mostly enhance is just too far gone for me. but it is what it is.

Most new classes are OP at first. I remember DKs being insanely so. Then they get dialed back a bit once they get popular. I wouldn’t hold out much hope to returning to Wrath era DKs.

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I play blood

Blood feels good

Blood was op s3 of sl

Depends on what you like i guess

I remember unholy being cracked in 9.0


Personally, make the class and once it works well, leave it the hell alone.
this ‘rework’ crap is one thing that makes me want to quit the game entirely.


I just run Resto unless I want to run dungeons and Im not in the mood to heal, then its elemental. Enhance seems like one of those things that sounded good on paper, then sucks in execution.

I dont like Frost at all, But Blood and Unholy are a blast to play compared to most of the specs in the game.
Literally just got into liking DK, so of course it figures some will be screaming in here for Ion to hose it to the ground. lol.

I should just go back to playing offline games so this isnt a thing.

That would be fine in this case if the class worked well. It doesn’t.

I’m far from the first person to suggest reworks for change’s sake alone, but Death Knight sorely needs changes on a fundamental level.

most classes on retails are jokes compared to their old selves. i still want to see how mop lock was. they looked cool af in that expac