do you happen to know what the “HighpassDSPCutoff” do in the cvar settings with the addon you gave, theres not one that affects “self” sounds as far as i can tell
Highpass Cutoff is processing that reduces, or cuts off lower (more bass) frequencies, allowing higher frequencies (treble) to pass through un-changed.
So by enabling that, you would be reducing bass content in the game.
there is no on/off option its just there in the cvar settings, but your saying its completely unrelated to our issue?
Correct - HighpassDSPCutoff is unrelated - just another under the hood control option that the addon reveals. Not tied in to this situation though.
damn i was hoping the lack of a self/PC cvar, would be a culprit, i guess we must hope for QA to find something more
The best thing would be to continue to provide detailed situations that cause the popping to happen.
What you’re doing - what race the DK is - what gender the DK is - rough estimates of how many players are around when it happens - and listening devices (headphones/regular speakers or surround sound (headphones or regular speakers).
I would also probably recommend a reset on your audio settings in the game just to be safe. Be sure to set the number of audio channels to HIGH - 64!
In game, go to System>Sound - click the recommended settings button in the lower left - be sure to select “These settings” on the following pop up screen.
Then, in my opinion, de-select “error messages” (those are the dialog lines that you hear say “I cannot cast that right now”).
Also check the box for Background Sound Enabled - if you want the sounds of the game to continue in the background when you click off of the game window to browse the internet or something.
If you need to adjust the volume of the game at that point - use the Master Audio slider, leave all of the individual sliders beneath that at default.
No one needs to be around to hear it attacking a dummy or fighting in the maw can trigger it (have not retested taking dmg since hotfix, this is a little bit harder now that im not over leveled for the zone while leveling)
Headset - Logitech G635 (as seen in the DXdiag)
recommended settings set, re adjusted master sound only starting at 40% will adjust further if to loud
error speech always off (god awful annoyance)
backround sound is enabled
(side note ive individually tested all the play back options in the sound settings, as well as the hardware settings, but this was all documented in the tickets)
will test this set up on the DK tomorrow with fresh dailies
and thanks for the help of which more information to provide
another thread found
friend got online so i went and did some world quests with them popping still occurred
i have re disabled DSP effects and readjusted my volume sliders to comfortable levels, since the popping happened again
Great information - thank you!
I just read through that link you posted - saw an interesting comment here…
“I had same sound issues when playing dk, when playing mage didnt have any.
I turned Windows Spatial sound off and glitches are gone, i used Dolby Atmos for headphones settings and i think that was my cause for sound glitches.”
Do you happen to have Windows Spatial Sound enabled?
Sorry if you’ve already answered that - hard to keep all the who’s and what’s straight at some point
no thats off since the logitech DTS is better than windows sonic, also spatial sound is primarily for stereo headsets as far as im aware
sounds like that person had a conflict in the sound settings, seems as if they owned dolby atmos but didnt enable it in the sound settings and was still using thier old settings, i belive you also enable dolby atmos at the spatial sound setting
Blizzard dev said they are aware of the DK causing noise popping/crackling. No ETA on fix though.
I really don’t think these things are making the problem. Just when you turn them on it forces WoW to run in 7.1 surround sound mode. I think surround sound + DK voice effect makes the popping noise. Like it has to do the effect 7 times for each direction, and it is overloading whatever audio engine they are using. I don’t know, though. It seems like it should process the effect first and then send it to separate channels which wouldn’t be more taxing than just running the game in stereo mode. I obviously don’t know how their audio system works. I’m just guessing, lol.
However Windows can still be set to 7.1 even if you don’t have this enabled so if anyone is having the problem with normal headphones they should check that and change their headphones to stereo if they don’t care about positional audio.
I’m using a pair of Logitech G935 headphones and have the surround sound feature turned off in the Logitech software settings but in the windows 10 sound settings I only have the option for 7.1 surround sound there is no stereo option for me at all
7.1 suround sound isnt truely 7.1 in headphones/headsets they only have 2 speakers so its simulated (voodoo/night fae magic i dont understand)
so it wont fire 7 times, true surround sound has all 7 speakers and the .1 for a subwoofer (there are not 7 tiny speakers in each ear)
also this problem DOES happen in stereo but is much quieter, its still there
when you have the surround sound option turned off its set to stereo,
same thing happens if you dont have the Logitech G Hub installed then the headsets drivers just default to the computers default system (stereo, default for computers these days, unless you have a dinosaur and it actually only has mono) instead of using the G935 drivers
as for the windows 10 sound settings, all our major controls are in the app, just like the other main 3 headset companies, analog headsets or those with out an app use more control with in the windows 10 sound system
hey sorry for missing you i flew passed your post, thanks for coming here,
seeing blizzard confirming they are aware of the issue, helps me feel so much better (helps calm some personal issues not discussing here)
SUPER THANKS (and a non wow panda hug) for letting us know over here
(was told to post in the bug report forum, starting to think it should have been over there in tech support, but as far as i can tell QA lives in bug report area, not sure if they are confined)
The game is still outputs 7 channels just Windows is downmixing it to stereo. The 3D audio stuff for headphones just alters the sound for each channel to give it the surround sound effect before Windows does that
i dont think this is quite accurate for if the game only puts out 7 channels whats the sound channels purpose in game with options for 24 48 and 64
also anything i find online about DTS or Dolby says either its 2 channels or binaural and then tricking the mind/ear to where the position is based volume of both speakers (in the head set) playing at different volumes, such as a loud tone in the right ear and the same tone softer or slightly (very slightly) delayed in the left ear to make the sound seem like its coming forward right
furthermore if wow is actually only putting out 7 channels (cant find any indication of this any where online) whats the purpose of downmixing and then re interpreting it back up to surround quality, in theory downmixing should only be required for a stereo sound system, would it not be simpler for the surround sound algorithm programs (of everyones own choosing) to get the channels direct and have it do the processing of how the sounds should be played?
most headsets with apps dont even come with a stereo option in the sound playback device when you press configure, they just have the headsets single sound system weather it be Mono, Stereo, 5.1 or 7.1, only allowing the highest one they have built in
i dont think anyone with Normal headphones is having this issue, so far every complaint i see they are using some form of gaming headSET from one brand or another (although i am seeing a fair number of logitech (( though according to my local Magnolia audiophile logitech is suppose to be pretty good right now)) with a few others mentioned here and there)
I had a suspicion weeks ago that it might be related to my headset and using Dolby Atmos. I switched a bunch of things around like only switching from the headset to speakers, and I still heard the pop. Even through my RealTek speakers. I then tried turning off all spacial sound and tried that with both headset and speakers. I’m pretty sure I heard it LESS if not completely gone. It’s hard to recreate the sound on demand as it doesn’t seem to follow a set pattern, so I can’t be completely sure.
Edit: Also I played an Orc DK for a while the other day and didn’t hear the popping. My main DK that I hear it on is Human.
I can assure you that posting here is a great option right now
as far as we know the sound can trigger any time a Human DK voice is used either combat or taking damage (i havent actually tested emotes, i rarely use them if ever)
and our only current confirmed workaround is the disabling the DSP Cvar
The purpose of these sound channels is to define the maximum number of sounds that can play at a given moment.
Having this particular setting at 64 these days is 100% the way to go. 24 shouldn’t be an option. There are a lot more sounds these days trying to play at once.
Each sound has a priority/rank assigned to it. When there are more sounds trying to play then channels, the lower rank sounds are prevented from playing.
Thus why if you have your channels set to 64, you will get a full sound experience. Anything less and you’re missing out.
These days, 24 channels is a legacy number and is not encouraged unless you need it for performance reasons.