Death Threats, Doxx threats, and more

What a heartbreaking thing to read. I’m so sorry that the weird fringes of our community are afflicting you this way.

There’s some great advice here and I hope it helps. I 100% agree with the sentiment that IC animosity is fun when engaged in a mutually respectful way but stops when people begin to take it OOC and harass and threaten people soley for the way they play pretend.

I hope you are yours will get through this and I really encourage that maybe to counter this that people on alliance side could maybe reach out when they see members of this guild and give a few kind words. Simple gestures can go a long way and you may find a new friend.

It’s a wild west out there and positivity is in far too short supply these days. Too many people working too hard to break eachother down when we need to build eachother up.

Be excellent to eachother.


Reading this makes my blood boil. People talk about how the RP community can be toxic at times and this is one of those times. No one should ever be subjected to what the OP has described for themself and their guild members.

I do not have any thing else to add in terms of suggestions, I think everyone above has covered that advice. I just wish and your guild well and hope things change quickly for you all.


Sadly this isnt an uncommon thing in Scarlet RP. An absolutely frustrating aspect of Moon Guard.


Google: Check-pvp is a common website tool that allows players to see your character and all the alts you use/have. Someone showed me it when i lived in a dorm with fellow players and all our accounts were connected. How i found out my ex cheated on me and played me a fool.

You would be surprised how often these ‘threats, complaints, attacks of character’ happen in the RP world.

I’m a solo Scarlet Crusader, “The Scarlet Witch” is my alias (in no way affiliated with the marvel version), and a woman of course. A combination of things that piss off any male players naturally.

When you are first to acquire names/rights/etc others throw a hissy fit and will go out of their way to trouble you until you give them what they want.

I’ve had my share of threats and comments. The second half being what you would expect in goldshire of course.

The problem is that people are either full Trumps/Karens (male/female :wink: ) because they weren’t invited to play as scarlets, or are the ocd lore abiders who have no thoughts of their own.

We are talking full blown, "The scarlets are dead because your monastery is gone, wow said it so you should follow and do as you are told, blah blah blah. Otherwise we will black list you because we think we have power over you and control the game. :roll_eyes: "

The same kind of attitude youd expect from influencers and entitled brats who don’t get their way. A few of these are likely 40+ players who take things too far of course, they’ve played since launch and bully next generation players who do things differently.

They always forget about the Scarlet Onslaught i might add…




You can report these directly to blizzard. Take screen snapshots using your ‘Snipping Tool’ then send them along with the details through battlenet as “Ongoing Harrassment” as a ticket. If they are connected blizzard can investigate and take appropriate actions against the players involved.

Every word you say / action you do is recorded like a messenger cloud. Deleting a character after the act won’t erase it. There is still a log and blizzard can track it and take action against the player.

I know from experience when i would lose in pvp and get pouty about it. Make an alt call them out with profanity, then delete it to get the last word.

Is being banned from warcraft worth harrassing others just because you dont like them roleplaying as a Scarlet?

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There are kiwifarm hate group users who made throwaway accounts on moonguard.

They’ve been doing this for weeks now and Blizzard staff are unaware.

In between lgbt hate spam/trolling and accusing half the server of illegal things, they’ve overstayed their welcome. It’s a daily thing now to see them do unsubstantiated and out of the blue callouts on the same players over and over. They’ve been name calling people out in the open with the P word.

They literally are on MG to chase after LGBT players to harass, it’s what the kiwifarms hate group does.


if you are receiving death threats from someone then your first call should be to the police. not the moonguard forums.

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THIS. Blizzard is a privately owned company, they can dole out punishment for things in their property and on forums to a degree, but they’re not a court of law or the executive branch. And while they may be giving the death threats in-game, that applies to IRL and OOC, and is not something Blizz and Microsoft can punish to the full extend of the law it needs to be.

That’s a matter for a local and or federal police department’s jurisdiction.

I might be showing my age here but what the heck is a kiwifarm?

Are we talking about Wyrmguard Secrets or is that something else?

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So basically it is kind of like wyrmguard secrets. Good to know.


I do appreciate them letting us know that this is going on though

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Sadly they rehosted their website, after cloudflare booted them off.
The KF site is still online and targeting people to harass.

That site is so foul that google has it hidden from showing up in search results.

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Yup. All we can do on the moonguard forums is roleplay about it. The police needs to be involved.

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There’s a bunch of anti-LGBT overall.

They try to be indirect about it or avoid being super obvious, but if you know some things they slip by, they’re propagating extreme hatred in a way to avoid mass reports.

I’ve seen the same set of players talk about stonewall riots, DEI hires, calling every furry the P word, etc. Yet unless they get mass reported they don’t get actioned.

The other tactic is they try to mischaracterize someone and complain about the person they’re doing targeted harassment on. They’ll do “they’re just x/y/z” callouts and say it over and over on a dozen throwaway accounts in global chats month after month but in a way where people aren’t aware it’s all garbage and it’s being done out of sheer LGBT hatred.

Blizzard clearly doesn’t have the manpower to read reports unless they’re of the mass report kind unfortunately, as consistently proven by the trolls in-game.

As an officer of a guild that has been systemically harassed over the years you have my condolences and sympathies. One of my best friends and fellow officers has endured vitriolic harassment campaigns and I’ve witnessed firsthand what that can do to someone ones mental health. I’m so sorry this is happening to you.