Death Rising, Week 2

It’s a one time event for only a week.

Suck it up and deal with it.


I heard some commotion in SW when I check my bank toon a few minutes ago but I thought it was just horde trying to kill npc’s again.

Expac releases in NA a week from today . THat is probably why they are doing it today.

Yes please…turned into one this morning and died before i could move…

lol where is it tho :<

So they really did that, thought it was supposed to be only warmode. Good thing I was smart and didn’t trust them and finished getting gear for all my characters already. I can always just play another game when this one is pointless to play.


I’ve been sucking it up for the past 16yrs. The least they could have done was at least warn players even brand new ones. It’s a no brainer to do that.


Has anyone gone hiccuping mad yet? I forgot my popcorn again

Ahh ok, makes sense now.

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Yeah, I don’t believe you.

You’ve had months of warning, regardless - lol.

are you… are you sure? I’m in org and there’s definitely nothing happening. Everyone in chat is assuring me it definitely has not started yet. I mean surely one person would have seen one zombie at some point if this had started, right?

There was 1 single plagued cockroach. No crates. No ghouls. I turned into a ghoul after killing it. I proceed to one-shot a lowbie hunter that was talking to the argent crusade NPCs then I was mowed down by the guards before I could detonate in the AH. Haven’t seen any more zombie stuff since.

Yes, truly awesome event… NOT , Me and 3 others were infected in front of the horde AH, we were able to spread no plague and were instantly melted by everyone else. Just a rare treat to place 20 already modeled npc’s with a couple dailies and a world boss with 10 lines of dialogue. This pre-patch is a joke and the devs should be ashamed.

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And Bliz wonders why folks detest being put into a situation that they cannot control because Bliz wants zombies?

I just will stay in my garrison whenever I log in but I refuse to get involved with something I really am not interested in doing. So I shall be sitting out the next week instead.


Saw zombies in Stormwind earlier. I became infected and thought it would be a fun idea to see if I could infect Turalyon. He killed me.

I imagine the zombies will become more aggressive as time goes on, as so far we’ve had one wave of zombies and that was several hours ago. I hope to infect all life on Azeroth.

It is happening in SW. I saw someone kill a zombie. Originally my bank character wasn’t flagged pvp but when I logged in the second time sure enough they are flagging everyone.

What’s your idea of a prepatch?

You guys forgot you changed orgrimmar since wotlk, no zombies there.

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Can we get another post clarifying when this will actually start please?

It is already happening on alliance side so it would be strange if horde isn’t getting any.

My horde character got pvp flagged in orgrimmar when I logged in so it is happening now already.