Death Knight is Weak

This is funny, coming from you…

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Points at Heroes of the Storm
He got Death Coil, good call back to Warcraft Three.
He got Howling Blast, that’s a Frost power.
Frozen Tempest, call back to remorseless winter, so reminiscent of his boss fight.
Frostmourne Hungers, which makes the next attack hit harder and frostmourne glows blue with a frosty aura. So neutral or frost.
Army of the Dead, again call back, alsdo refers to DKs as a CLASS when every one got army because we were a CLASS.
Summon Sindragosa, Much like the DK frostwyrm’s fury. that FROSTY!.

So here we have him feeling very frost dk.
But thing is back in wrath he was LICH KING the Ultimate Death knight. He had no spec he embodied the ultimate absolute our entire CLASS could be. That might be a hard idea for people to understand nowadays.

While his abilities may not be all frost themed. DKs as a whole back then did shadow damage themselves in all specs. Physical, Shadow, and a bit of frost. Even with pouring into the frost tree.

And for being so frosty in HotS he still wields a two hander. And blizzard better gimme that damn transmog. Because oooh boy… I am currently not happy bout what they did to the lore and muh boiiii.
But that is besides the point.

Point is, Arthas is not any good example of a spec because he is not meant to have a spec he is mean to be a superior version of our CLASS.
Also 2H and DW should not be subspecs. The Spec should allow for both but not make different playstyles. One might be better or more ideal for a specific choice of playstyle, but it should not force it.

If I wanna do a 2H Breath build I SHOULD be able to and be decent. Although breath should be reworked, make it extend RW by consuming runic power? Something IDK

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HotS isnt exactly canon. But even if we do include it, that puts his frost abilities that he has used up to 3. Remorseless Winter, Frozen Spirit or orb or whatever the spell was called on the original LK fight, and Howling Blast which is more like chains of ice that is ground targeted. That pales in comparison of not only Wrath Fight, the Anduin fight where you fight him again he leans far towards Unholy.

Summoning Sindragosa is a summon using frost magic, not him. Does unholy summoning a magus that throws Frost Bolts as well as Shadow Bolts the unholy DK doing frost damage? No.

Sindragosa was raised into undeath by Arthas, unholy magic, and she uses the frost magic because she is a frostwyrm. Why most , close to all, dragons that were raised are frostwyrms is a totally different discussion.

They arent going to give anyone that transmog. They hate Arthas and thats why they did him so dirty and the story has been pretty bad this entire expansion. Again thats another discussion. In fact they hate all the previous lore and thats why they took a huge dump all over it. It just took everyone else all expansion to notice what I seen at the beginning cinematic.

I mean, if your plan was to get access to Azeroths world soul which seems to be his entire plan, or any world soul, why send out the Nathrezim (which are retconned) to corrupt a titan into cleaving worlds in 2 destroying the world souls. Even the ZM story and the arbiter doesnt make sense. Did ZM create the new arbiter? If not then why couldnt we just create a new one with the help of the other covenants if they did it before?

Its just a bad story now and a vast majority of people hate it.

I have also said that lore characters arent a good example as specs. But lore characters do lean towards certain specs, like classes used to be. I would say they want Frost to be DW even now since they hace changed DW characters to be more in line with Frost. Mograine uses frost abilities when you fight him in ZM in the quest line.

Yes, if you want to breath you should be able to with a 2h. Frostscythe shouldnt have needed 8 targets to use it with a 2h which its lower now because they nerfed Obliterate back in beta (Frostscythes target cap was 5 so using Frostscythe as 2h was a no go). Just increasing the damage of Frostscythe to use it on like 2-3+ targets would go a long way for aoe. But 2h is going to be single target focused as long as MotFW exists how it does.

But again, all this stuff wouldnt be an issue if they just made an option to transmog weapons to look like 2h weapons. Have an option to hide weapons so you hide your offhand, and click on a box to make your main hand weapon a 2h weapon and then you can choose from any 2h weapon. Could have been a solution rather than going down the split spec route.

I can actually agree with you here. SL story is so bad, in every aspect. They took what could have been a great opportunity and shat all over it.

And yes, they did Arthas dirty.

I’m surprised to see you have the double legendary. Finally starting go play the game?


I agree as well, the story seems like they are not sure if they want a cartoon mustache twirling villain or a slow burn adult villain with complex motives and valid reasoning.

although, i can’t really blame the writers at blizz specifically though, modern writing and storying telling from socal tends to be :poop: in all media formats. ex: starwars sequels, matrix 4, jurassic worlds


I would really just like for my spec to be unpruned for once. Having Icy Touch for attack speed debuff would make Frost so much more palatable. Better iteration of presences returned - having more minor effects on gameplay would actually make them more useful and fluid instead of shoe-horned and clunky. Also, Adding a runic power range for Frost Strike, or better yet replacing one of these dead talents with a variation of Frost Strike that does that, would create a Rune-rich playstyle.

It just gets old pressing the same few buttons over and over. It makes it difficult to stay on this class.

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