Death Knight is in need of a visual rework

Compared to all other classes, DK has the most old looking spells, just use a Death Coil and SS it, and then look at that same 2008 spell that was released 16 years ago and never changed, while warlock and other caster spells got new animations in BFA. Paladins got a visual rework as well, even rogues did, and DK is still there, stuck in 2008. Gargoyle seriously look like a PS2 game mob, while we had a lot of new gargoyle models in Shadowlands, and they didn’t rework it. It seems like DK needs a lot attention from Blizzard, and I am sure it’s not only for aesthetics…

This class is one of the most classic ones, it should look great, instead it looks terrible. Fix it, there’s no reason for not fixing it.


DK’s visual effects were comprehensively reworked in Legion, and then followed up with a pass during the Shadowlands prepatch. If you don’t like the current Gargoyle model, use the Dark Arbiter glyph.

I’m not saying that some spells don’t need VFX improvements, some absolutely do, but at least do your homework and engage in the conversation in good faith.

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I came in good faith, I am sure every DK main would like their class to look better than it does. Dark Arbiter is nice, but it’s not a gargoyle, the class fantasy is important. And we are in 2024, Blizzard can easily adapt DK’s visual effects with no issues. Paladin and caster classes got their visual rework in BFA, 2018, 6 years ago.


Be careful what you wish for. What is in your head isn’t what hits the game. Look at Warlock, many things weren’t upgrades but downgrades for many.

I would even say divine storm is a downgrade.


You guys need the LK animation where he stabs the ground with frostmourne

Otherwise, the deathcharger could use an update


Deathcharger is what I’m really wanting. Especially since it’s gonna play a big part in a hero spec.


Warlock animations are great, I play warlock since MoP. There could be glyphs for people who want the old looking spells and etc.

I am purely talking about aesthetics, and DK needs a visual rework, it would only look worse than it is right now if Blizzard made Death Coil look pink and with flowers, just a remastered gloomy bolt would already look better than it does right now. The class didn’t get any aesthetical update since WotLK, except from Death and Decay, and this spell needs a mechanical rework, if it moved together with us it would be better.

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Some are, but others arent.

When you get into changing the abilities instead of just updating them you end up kind of pissing a lot of people off.

It has gotten visual updates. But im guessing you are just tired of it so you want a complete visual overhaul so things look different… nah. Just update it.

I think our animations are fine but I’d love to see a lot of pet customization added. There’s a ton of cool undead mobs in the game we can’t use, and on top of that we lost abomination. Warlocks got a bunch of cool pet customizations and boomkins got new forms so hopefully we’re next.

Some glyphs for death and decay would be great too to make it themed around each spec, as well as make it easier to see.

Pretty sure there were spec themed wraith walk animations are one point too. Just my two cents.

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death coil looks better than most of the new warlock spells lol they all look like confetti or something

Dark transformation needs an update sorely. Ghoul customization like the Warlock demon customization would be awesome too.

It’s a shame that the Legion death grip update never made it in.


They need to make them good first


Agreed. Shadowbolt was better than in 2004 than it is now, same with incinerate in my mind (2007), divine storm as you say, etc… Until they let you know CHOOSE which spell animations to use, updates are always scary to me

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That’s laughable tbh, Death Coil is easily one of the ugliest spells in the game. Warlock’s new Chaos Bolt is pretty, compared to the old version that was literally a green evil fish. The fire spells are also pretty and sound more like destruction. Anyone who finds the old version of Chaos Bolt has a bad eye for aesthetics, honestly.

I am not against creating glyphs for people who want to keep the old versions, but the spells need updates, Death Coil is ugly, and it’s hardly the only ugly spell in the class.

Like, just Make Death Coil into a remastered skull with a remastered green/purple effect, that’s not difficult. Dark Transformation also needs an update, and DKs should be able to choose their ghouls, like hunters, to choose any undead NPC and take it as their pet, and then Army of the Dead could also be updated.

Everyone wants things to look better than they do, just make glyphs to maintain the old animations and done.


chaos bolt is like the only one that looks decent still. shadowbolt, hand of gul’dan, incinerate, all were ruined imo and looked better before.

Tell me you dont know what old chaos bolt looked like without telling me you dont know what it looks like. It was literally a skull.

They are worse.

The new chaos bolt is really the only thing that looks good in the spec. Soul Fire is worse, Incinerate is worse, Rain of Fire is ok but I think the older one looks better.

There is a difference between an update and what they have done to spells. Lightning bolt isnt a bolt anymore. Its not an “updated” lightning bolt.


This doesnt mean change the look of the spell like they have done before. Demo used to have Soul Fire as a main spell and now they have demon bolt which is a lackluster downgrade from Soul Fire. And now Soul Fire is just a beach ball that lobs to your target. Its ugly.


Wrong, it’s not a skull, it’s more like a green fish. I’ve been playing warlock since before they got updated in BFA. Perhaps you just need glasses, nothing there looks slightly like a skull. Search for any YouTube video showing it and you will see, it would look more like a serpent or dragon first than a skull.

And this is how I know you don’t know what old Chaos Bolt looked like.

I will repeat: you need glasses.

Soul Fire never looked good. Incinerate is pretty, Rain of Fire is the prettiest spell in the spec. If you think the old versions of these spells look any good, again, perhaps you need three glasses.

That literally makes zero sense, you are disagreeing on purpose. What could possibly make it bad for you, as a DK, being able to choose your pet? I will tell you: literally nothing. This is how I know you don’t care about what is good or not, but about being right, and you clearly just like old bad looking spells due to a feeling of nostalgia.

Soul Fire was never good looking, but it’s still better now than it was before.

You haven’t countered anything I said so far, not at all.

Warlock was my first character long before you even thought about playing. Its not a fish.

And yet you can’t say what old Chaos Bolt looked like, it was never a skull, it had the appearance of a green ugly fish.

That’s projection, basically, you literally can’t even know when I started playing… But I can see here who does not understand or know warlock, imagine thinking old Chaos Bolt was a skull, don’t tell me you confused Chaos Bolt for Death Coil.

You do know this is the internet right? It was a skull.