Death knight eyes

We need customizable death knight eyes! Green eyes! Red eyes! Purple or black eyes! Let death knights be the unholy monsters they are with customizable eyes!

Also still salty only night elf death knights can change eye colors.

Edit; Since it had been requested a bit here by several people, non-glowing death knight eyes would be cool too.


I agree.

Along with the icy eyes they’ve always had a set for blood and unholy perhaps purple for reasons and an ember for bolvar would be wonderful.

Fully endorse.


It is really strange that death knights don’t have red eyes available to them as a customization when one of their spec trainers, Lady Alistra, has red eyes herself. Then again, she’s not the only prominent death knight NPC that doesn’t have the classic glowing blue eyes; Lord Thorval and Thassarian both have normal human eyes, and Whitemane uses the blind eyes option, seemingly to make it seem like her eyes glow white instead of blue.


Yeah actually when SLs prepatch came out I had been kinda expecting they’d have some eye colors for DK’s…

Mostly because of those npcs you mention. But also cause it just makes sense to give DK’s more options.


I would love to have all sorts of additional DK options, mostly in the form of more of the dead-looking skin textures in additional colors, as well as having one or two more variations on that theme. One of the main reason I chose to have my Blood Elf DK be male instead of female is because the male dead-looking skin textures are much more obvious from a distance than the female ones are. Eye color options just seem like the most obvious place to start since there are already NPCs in game with different eye colors. I hadn’t thought of purple though, I really like that idea, and it would sort of match the colors of the Ebon Blade heraldry. I’m imagining a nice, saturated purple that matches with some of the purples seen in various DK raid sets and artifact skins.


We could use more dead looking skin. Perhaps rotting flesh too, or exposed bones or other tissues.

I was also thinking of snow white to represent blinding blizzards for frost too.


God, if they could have Bolvar’s ember eyes I would race change back to Dark Iron Dwarf in a heart beat


That would be just pure awesome with that, specially since DID had the black burnt like skin.

I personally want purple/black eyes for my alliance dark angel mog look.


+1 support.

In the golden age of customization we currently live in, it’s weird that death knights technically have fewer customization options just because of their class. They have three unique “necrotic” skin options that lock you into a handful of face options if you want to use them, and they miss out on being able to choose their eye colors entirely. We should fix that

I’d also settle for being to just not have to use the blue glow and instead pick a regular color as if they weren’t a death knight.


Don’t get me wrong, I’d never change my DK’s lovely blue glow orbs, but I’m shocked this has never been a customization addition for DKs. Back in WoTLK/Cata I remember wanting to have eye color tied to Presence and have it shift as you did.

Might not have been the best solution in hindsight.

While we are at it, can we get the Cult of the Damned tattoo textures?


I want anime eyes

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This too would be good idea. A nice cold white if only for more variety!

More general options, especially for AR DKs would be really nice. Some are quite bare.

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Too bare indeed on AR’s, which is sad, they should had made skins for each race that can be DK’s at the bare minimum, they are after all supposed to be a hero class.


Yeah… Really feel like it was all half… Butted…

Dks should get more options.


I am up for this, why is blood red glow, or unholy green glows not an option? The frost blue is cool and all, but doesn’t fit in with my blood DK or unholy DK’s mogs / mounts at all. It is just this weird blue in a sea of red or green.


I’m a death knight and I approve this message.


This thread has my support even though I don’t play Death Knight because really red and green fit Blood and Unholy Death Knight specs and purple is just pretty so it works for me. :+1: :+1: :+1:


Nope. As a Death Knight main this absolutely should not be a thing.

Our blue eyes are part of our resurrection, and the draw of power from the Maw. This is a very specific lore reason for the color, and there is no reason to change this just so people can match pretty colors.

Green and red eye glows wouldn’t even make sense for Death Knights. Eye glows have specific magic ties, but none of which apply to Death Knights for green and red.


Yet there is death knights with other eye colors in lore, and some without eye glow entirely…

But I can respect this opinion lol.

Thanks for the support.

Suffer well! :stuck_out_tongue:


No, there aren’t.

  • The ones without eye glow are model limitations with the tattoo face skins, and they have the blue glow depicted in official artwork, and even cutscenes (Whitemane).
  • Lady Alithra gets cited for red eyes even though we don’t even know if she’s a Death Knight and there is no lore about her (our Frost trainer is a Lich, so no, we don’t just assume she’s a Death Knight when Acherus is full of various undead).
  • There are some Troll recruits in Acherus that get cited for green/yellow, but they’re just a reused model for undead Sand Trolls, and none of the other recruits have eye glows.
  • And there’s a single Death Knight NPC on the Broken Shore who retains his original Night Elf gold eyes due to a simple over sight.

There are exactly zero known Death Knights with any eye color other than blue. They’d have to completely rewrite what Death Knights are to support this petty desire to match pretty colors. It’s exceedingly stupid.