Is there some kind of rule where undead creatures and beings can only have blue colored glowy eyes?
What if I wanted yellow? Or even red? In Warcraft III there were necromancers, liches and undead creatures that had eye colors ranging from white, to green, to yellow and there’s been WoW artwork showcasing purple eyes and red eyes.
So while I’m fine with my eyes being perma glowsticks, with all this in mind why don’t we have different eye color options given to us yet? I know Death Knights have a very icy blue theme, but we also have the Blood spec with a lot of blood red color schemes as well as the Unholy spec with a lot of green themes.
At the very least I would like to have these accented color options available in customization to match my primary/favourite spec.
If we’re borrowing WCII Death Knight spells and talents, we should be borrowing their red eyes, too. Especially given that Arthas is no longer the Lich King and the fantasy has grown beyond him.
I will never roll a DK in Retail, because the flames are just silly to me. At least there should be an option for that to be turned off. But red eyes do make sense, as well. Green could be done as long as it is different green from Blood Elves and Night Elves.
I’d like to see more options as well.
I wouldn’t mind if the wispiness on or off was an option as well.
I’ve got a blood elf death knight, I’d quite like to have red eyes. The venthyr helm has the effect that he wears, but having that be his actual eye effect would be great.
Should have options for each spec and maybe even an orange Bolvar color since they added some weapons like that.
Be a cool option on dark iron, but I also think they should have a frost beard option as well.