Death Druids

Let me get this straight.

Ardenweald is where Death Druids go like the Thorn Speakers. This is why we saw so many Drust in Ardenweald?

It seems Night Elves are relatively new to Ardenweald because they usually go to Elune in the Life realm as sprites and they’re not the same type of Druids as the Drust?

Is this correct?

Was the Winter Queen mentioned in BfA for the Drust Druids as a known god?

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Drust stay in Thros, The Blighted Lands. They invaded Ardenweald while that zone was weak and Maldraxxus was too busy to defend.

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The Drust invaded Ardenweald, unless I’m mis-remembering the questline.

The Drust go to Thros, not Ardenweald. They launched an attack when Ardenweald was weakened from the drought.

I was under the impression that the Thros was part of Ardenweald.

Nope, we visit Thros in BFA, it’s where Katherine kills Gorak Tul.

Still wish we got to see like a mini 1 or 2 boss raid in Thros. Just SOMETHING.

They could’ve made Underrot Horde-only (Alliance have no story there at all) and then have an Alliance-only Thros Dungeon where we save Jaina with Katherine. Rather than just a cutscene, lol.

Then opened them both to both factions with BoD technology in 8.1.

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Thros is actually a branch off the Emerald Nightmare, but it also has connections to Death too. It’s similar to Helheim being its own pocket dimension. Not truly in the Shadowlands, but hovering on the edge of it.

The Drust didn’t realize it was the Nightmare or what it actually was and just called it Thros.

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Meh I ain’t too fond of that stuff but I get it. It’s awkward to have the npcs in the drust dungeon be all “Huh? Horde? Uh…okay. Thank you?” at us lol

I tend to explain those pocket zones as “cousin” zones. There’s SOME connection but the brother / sister zones have a bigger connection

Uh… no? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No no no.

It is not.

She’s not a god. Nor one they worship.

Okay then what is the difference between the Thornspeakers and the Cenarion Circle?

Because I thought the Thronspeakers Drust Druids we’re good folks and part of the death realm.

Thirnspeakers are just Druids who understand the other side of the balance of the cycle of nature.

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As ulfir explains, the Thornspeakers harness the power of death to heal because death is just another aspect of life.

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Just different pocket groups of druids. The thorn speakers also help explain why Gilneans had druids so it’s just a bit of world building

No, they’re Druids. They do not use death magic.

They don’t use death magic. They’re just more in the belief that death is as vital to the cycle as life.

But that’s not “harnessing the power of death.” It’s simply understanding the cycle of nature.

I know. I was agreeing and elaborating for the others

Ah, my bad. Sorry!

You know that map is really cool. I remember in hots while playing guldan sometimes he says, “disorder gives way to the fel” this map further makes it more interesting

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