Death Druids

Yeah, I do like the two cosmic charts. The newer one has a different order for the major cosmic forces, but doesn’t get much into the things that are specific to Azeroth, like the Emerald Dream.

Jaina does, alongside the PC after we help her with her collective trauma. Katherine goes in to find Jaina while we escort her.

Only a small part of it. Plus blizzard even foreshadowed that we would return by Katherine saying she will return to free the trapped souls inside. But nothing came out of that.

I really wanted a drust themed raid this expansion.

Drust Druids are only in Ardenweald because they are invading it, then the storyline was just scrapped and never finished. Winterqueen threw them through a portal with her super-telekinesis (WTF?) and could apparently do that at any time she wanted (Double WTF?) and that was that. Super-Telekinesis + mcguffin-portal > Death-Druids and Thros

They were supposed to be a part of the Drust raid, which is why there are all those “drustraidweaponaxe” and “drustraidweapondagger” files in the game that never got used because the raid was cancelled… I mean THEY DEFINATELY NEVER CANCELLED ANY CONTENT AND SHADOWLANDS WAS CERTAINLY MEANT TO BE AN ACT IN THREE PARTS AND THEY WOULD NEVER LIE TO YOU, BELOVED PAYING CUSTOMER. /wink.

They did the “Just yeet them back to where they came from” thing with Helya too. Such a waste