Chakram is an absolute disappointment, something with no AoE scaling, gets out shined by wild spirits (absolutely busted) limiting the choice that (you the devs insist players have)
this ability needs to scale better in AoE situations, the damage needs to be buffed, the cooldown feels bad for the lackluster damage, it feels great from the torghast improvements (cooldown, more targets, etc.) but why can’t we have any of that some how be carried over to actual chakram?
chakram is a disappointing ability with no scaling, damage output, and is outshined by its broken counter part wild spirits forcing people to take NF if they want to raid seriously or kyrian the only other semi competitive counter part
venthyr and necrolord are still abysmal.
Definitely agree; venthyr and necro are hilariously undertuned. Hoping they are made at least remotely relevant sometime soon.
Welcome to Blizzard tuning. Death Chakrams was the strongest ability during Beta, and then they nerfed it to the ground.
The focus generation is great so idc.
Same there’s never a time I won’t pick a focus generator. If they end up buffing the dmg on top of it I’ll be extremely pleased.
The issue is that those soulbinds might add more dps than the other covenant soulbinds.
You chose a covenant with an inferior covenant ability, but, in other areas, they are stronger. You don’t get the best of both. The worst part is – you chose it knowingly, with a plethora of data and information readily available to you.
I cant even lol
Where on paper is venthyr or necrolord remotely best for anything for hunter
The focus regen is laughable from chakram, the conduit for chakram is absolutely terrible, people take alternatives, flesh craft is cool a defensive you can’t cast and move and if you move it stops the cast
Get out of here trying to justify that crap, wild spirits is busted, resonating arrow is the sole reason for pvp at the moment, the other two covenants have NOTHING, that makes them stand out from their counter parts.
They have nothing, huh? Then why did you pick it? Certainly there was a reason. Don’t pick an inferior covenant, then complain that there is no reason to pick that inferior covenant. There is a reason you picked it, so let’s hear it.
I picked what I wanted because I liked it knowing that it was numerically inferior because it was dumpstered in an alpha build.
Believe it or not people still pick what they want because they like something.
And while night fae sure is cool to some, if anyone wanted to be remotely competitive, bring forced to take that even if they don’t like it isn’t okay especially when covenants are about “choice” not pick the one broken covenant to stay ahead or be left behind.
This for the most part. Someone posted sims for example and venth was only about 230 less than Kyrian I think. So if someone is doing 4500 and im doing 4270, i personally wont complain that much. Theres always room for improvement.
I didn’t hate the chakrams. I usually try to pull 3-5 mobs at a time and I noticed it doing damage and the short cooldown made it useful.
The big decider for me was Fleshcraft being a total dud with the 4 second channel. Glad I did, wild spirits is OP in Torghast.
Knowing blizzard they wont buff them they’ll just super nerf the heck out of night fae and kyrian I guarentee it… Which is always so dang dumb…
fleshcraft is pure garbage because most of the time our pets are soaking damage not us
This is true, but this actually allows the shield to stay up for its full duration, getting the most out of the solvent buffs, or buffs it grants you in torghast. classes in melee range only get to keep the buffs a small portion of one fight.
I can go from less than 50 to 100 focus with Death Charkram and Fleshcraft can be casted while moving depending on your soulbind if thats something you really wanted.
Not in Dungeons, Torgast, or Raids. And while you may have healers, the shield has def saved me more times than I can count.
Like Necro has benefits and I don’t mind taking it.
Wouldn’t be particularly difficult to fix Flayed Shot or Death Chakram to put them roughly on par with the others.
Have Death Chakram apply a brand to every unique target struck, and on the last bounce, all brands that are within 8 yards of another brand detonate, dealing damage to up to 5 nearby enemies. If no brands detonate, Death Chakram’s cooldown is reduced by 15 seconds. Now it’s competitive in single target, and actually scales in an AOE scenario.
For Flayed Shot, boost the dot’s damage by ~25%, and have it apply to up to 2 additional targets, and while Flayed Shot is active, you can store up to two additional charges of Killing Shot. Again, competitive in single target, and now it becomes a powerful funneling ability in multi-target scenarios.
Necro has benefits sure, are they as good as Night Fae or Kyrian? no they’re substantially worse. the flesh craft shield is maybe okay for M+ outside of that Necro and venthyr still lack
From using them, I find necro to be much better. Great focus on a short cd and with the low haste levels I feel it. Night fae is great aoe burst but its on a rather long CD and within the time It takes to come off cd the necro one allows me for better offensive set ups and less time regenerating focus, I imagine if I played BM i wouldn’t mind but as surv the necro feels better.
As for the kyrian, the cd is nice and the crit is nice but its not as attractive as the focus from necro. I would take it over necro when I get geared enough that the focus isn’t relevant but thats me.
Perhaps the soulbinds are what make kyrian and night fae over the top amazing but for me right now, necro is great.
Ya, uh, the way Blizzard “makes it relevant” is by eviscerating Wild Spirits and Resonating Arrow. Give it a week or three. WS will see a ~50%+ reduction in damage done (and probably duration as well, or increased CD so it doesn’t line up with Trueshot), and Resonating Arrow will go down to like 15% crit and 90s CD or something.
That’s simply Blizzard’s MO. Nerf the top performer until everything is so weak that stops mattering.
This is the dumbest thing I’ve read today. Proud of you bud.
Yikes I’m glad I don’t have your level of intelligence. There are a multitude of reasons any one person picks a covenant. And they certainly have a right to complain.
You sound extremely ignorant.
Also looking at your bfa experience it’s clear you’re a MM reroll just because it’s OP right now. Bet you’ve been a patriots fan for a number of years as well lol