Death Chakram is a sheer disappointment

I’m enjoying Necro for the shield, being SV and in melee range I find in some cases where I can have the shield absorb a ton of damage. Chakrams is great for the added focus and additional AOE damage.

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Unfortunately it does the same damage single target and aoe. In a mob it just has the ability to jump and does the damage quicker.

Same damage whether it hit 7 targets or 1.

I think the shield should burst and cause damage If they don’t intent on buffing chakrams. Would give us more reason to stop and cast the bubble before a fight.

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this is a torghast thing, its okay I guess but you’re limited on the range its like 15 yards if memory serves. theres modifiers for reduced cooldown, damage, and extra bounces but arguably the biggest benefits that should be applied if they don’t intend to modify the damage are the cooldown and the number of targets as for the output it has the cooldown is more punishing than it warrants.

Yeah I enjoy it in torghast. It would need to be significantly nerfed for other pve content though.

I’m just trying to think of things that are already there. Not sure they will buff chakrams because its a resource generator…even though it’s not that good at that either.

No, I realize that, but coupled with a bomb and Carve my AOE damage feels beefier. Throw in the Tar Trap/Flare damage ability in Torghast and later the legendary, it should be fun.

Agree with you there! I do wish the legendary created a separate trap that combined tar trap and flare.

I get the novelty of setting the tar on fire but I hate the two globals for it. But I guess they made it worth it with the damage it produces.

Death Chakram was actually a competitive choice and honestly I was going to pick it until they gutted it with a massive damage nerf.

I’m sticking with my choice in Necrolord but it will be funny when the OP abilities get nerfed and people cry.

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