Death by herbing was a bold design choice

Those air empowered elements are a killer if you are not careful.

Bot counter measure, ezclap.

You need to not fail at conversations

Don’t know what issue is with herbs and ores nodes…but I always come prepared for new expansion …glider on cloak…a stack of goblin gliders …stoneform as a Dwarf…herbing toon is Druid has Flap and stack of gliders too, even water walking potions…and its not just herbs and ores trying to kill you either…some Pet Battles will walk you right off a cliff and kill you too.

my non winged characters NOW have a supply of goblin gliders :slight_smile:

Windswept is back.

Had the reduce effect by 50% ability, which appearently reduced it by 100%.

Now appears to increase it by 50% because I just got violently thrown about 300 yards.